Thursday, 31 July 2008


The term vigilante is Spanish and Portuguese for "watchman" or "watcher," ultimately from Latin "vigilans"- the present participle of "vigilare" (to watch). Its etymology is closely related to (though its meaning very different from) that of the term vigilance. Note that the term vigilantism is a derivative of vigilante, not of vigilant or vigilance. The term vigilante was introduced into English from the northeast United States. Vigilantism is generally frowned upon by official agencies (who would otherwise encourage vigilance on the part of citizens), especially when it gives way to criminal behavior on the part of the vigilante.

vigilant vdl()nt a. & n. L15. [L vigilant- pres. ppl stem of vigilare keep awake, f. vigil: see VIGIL, -ANT1.] A adj. 1 Watchful against danger, difficulty, etc.; keeping steadily on the alert; closely monitoring a situation. L15. b Her. Of an animal: positioned as if watching for prey. rare. E19. 2 Characterized by vigilance; assiduous. M16. 3 Wakeful; sleepless. rare. E-M17.
1 S. NAIPAUL He had been a vigilant and faithful watchdog of the state's interest. 2 H. H. WILSON It was impossibleto exercise a vigilant personal supervision over the officers.
B n. rare. 1 A guardian, a keeper. E19. 2 A wakeful or watchful person. E19.vigilantly adv. M16. vigilantness n. (rare) vigilance L16-E18.

Excerpted from The Oxford Interactive EncyclopediaDeveloped by The Learning Company, Inc. Copyright (c) 1997 TLC Properties Inc.

Tuesday, 29 July 2008

Stalking Horse

It was, after all, an obscure Tory backbencher - Barry Porter - who first called on Margaret Thatcher to go and another - Sir Anthony Meyer - who ran as a stalking horse against her. It was Geoffrey Howe and not Michael Heseltine who brought her low.

Interesting term, the "Stalking Horse".

Monday, 28 July 2008

Four Card Types (Criticial Look)

Four Card Types

Clubs = Guardians SJ
Spades = Artisans SP
Diamonds = Rationals NT
Hearts = Idealists NF

But what about other types like

You might be an EF Extravert Feeler (I would run a mile from a nymphomaniac)
or you could be an IT Introverted Thinker (stuck in a wheelchair and books)

or some others discovered:
IN Introverted-iNtuitive (Mystery Man)

But it looks like the Extraversion-Introversion has been left on the scale above. If I was to leave one off, I would leave off Thinking-Feeling.

As a strong NP, I can be anything but Clubs.

On the face of it, these generalisations seem appealing, but it is just a world view and my intuition says it needs some refinement.

Another Brick in the Wall

Another Brick in the Wall

The best way to get around the wall for Idealists (NF) is to listen carefully, sum up accurately, and emphasize what the two of you have in common. Once the Idealist believes that they have been heard and understood and mostly agreed with, they are generally willing to discuss some differences. If you disagree too much for their comfort, making them fearful that the relationship is in jeopardy, most Idealists will revert to repeating their arguments over and over.

But from the Fraudian (Freud + Guardian) point of view, this is the narcissist in operation, and such evil people need to be taught a lesson, have their brain smashed in*, life destroyed, partner raped, sent out into exile. (*Instead of trying to remove the brick, the Bullies try and demolish the wall!)

Bull (ESTJ) on behalf of the Ruling Elite Property Owners Rational Terror (REPORT)

Idealist (NF)
Mentor (NFJ) Developing

Teacher (ENFJ): Educating BEAVER
Counselor (INFJ): Guiding SKYLARK
Advocate (NFP) Mediating
Champion (ENFP): Motivating FERRET
Healer (INFP): Conciliating DRAGON

Saturday, 26 July 2008

Dr Lovegood

We’ve Lost that Lovin’ Feelin’
By Dr Lovegood on 03-27-2008
More songs and possibly more poems have been written about love than any other topic. Happy-in-love songs are usually pretty sappy while crossed-in-love songs tend to seem more substantial and true to life. Here are some tips to help you become or continue to be happily, sappily in love. As I wrote last week, many of these tips will work equally well for men of the same temperament.

Personality Zone

In the right hand corner there are links to other recent topics, including with how to deal with arguments with those darn rational people. Comments can be entered.

Personality Circulargram

Personality Circulargram

What is is your existential position?


These personality types may seen fixed or ingrained, but I maintain they are a direct result of psycho-social circumstances and they are an overlay program on top of the basic Keirsey personality types.

So it could be, what is your existential position in your present social circumstances?

Friday, 25 July 2008

How do you put the Boot in?

An example.

The Council official turns up at your doorstep and orders you to chop down your hedge because it is blocking the highway (a ridiculous lie, but in this case he is really serious).

Or you carefully prepared wildlife garden, which the Council official orders you to spray and remove because the neighbour does not like the weeds. Or the Slow Worms which she thinks are snakes (being from the concrete city where they do not have such things).

Do you.

1) deride his orders, perhaps in a sarcastic manner
2) reply caustically, which he may regard as an insult (treat the idea with contempt)
3) demean the complainant that caused the problem
4) think you have been rejected as a person because you think the comments are from malice
5) don't bother to even listen
6) make a mental note that the officials and complainants are both enemies
7) punch the official in the face or otherwise intimidate him in what way will be most amusing.

or being a Goddess

8) regard the whole episode as a storyline for the book you are never going to write, and choose to analyse the characters.

Meanwhile the characters are:


Complainant: Mouse (ISFJ)
Decision-making Official: Bull (ESFJ)
Calling Official 1: Rat (ISFJ/ISTJ)
Calling Official 2: Horse (ESFJ)
Oversee Arbiter Official: Wolf (ENFJ)
Mobster 1: Dog (ISTJ)
Mobster 2: Camel (ESFJ variant)
Mobster 3: Beaver (ENFJ)


You: Phoenix (INFP/INTP)
Neighbour 1: Cat (ISFP)
Neighbour 2: Panda (ISTP variant)
Neighbour 3: Snake (ENTP)


Police: Pig (ISFP/ISTP)

Second Police (after political strings are pulled): Bull (ESFJ)

This is how World War III originally started. It was a Mouse that Roared!

PS: Try to choose an example of what happened in real life, rather than your ideal choice, having had time to think it over.

Modern Animism World (Latest Revision)

Modern Animism World (Latest Revision)
The World of Modern Personality Types:

> ENFJ: "Teacher" = BEAVER 5% Educating [Givers]
Family life and charismatic, but can dam up and block the flow. Busy.

> ENFP: "Journalist" = FERRET 3% Motivating (Champion) [Inspirors]
Enthusiastic hunter and ferreter out of information.

> ENTJ: "Field Marshall" = WOLF 5% Mobilizing [Executives]
Found in packs with one top dog who must be obeyed or defeated in battle.

> ENTP: "Inventor" = SNAKE 2% Devising [Visionaries]
Alien system and cannot hear the words, only feel the vibrations. Can be isolated.

> ESFJ: "Seller" = HORSE 13% Supplying (Provider) [Care Givers]
Wild horses are terrifying, but they can be tamed and ridden.

> ESFP: "Entertainer" = BUTTERFLY 13% Demonstrating (Performer)
Males are often more colourful. Lots of caterpillar style practice and shine briefly.

> ESTJ: "Administrator" = BULL 13% Enforcing [Guardians]
The Ox pulls the plough on behalf of the bosses. The herd can stampede and crush other animals.

> ESTP: "Promoter" = LION or TIGER 13% Persuading [Doers]
Ferocious predator, but not usually malicious. Ruthlessness can cause the same damage though.

> INFJ: "Author" = SKYLARK 1% Guiding (Counselor)
Very complicated singing the tune.

> INFP: "Questor = DRAGON 1.25% (Males 0.6%) Conciliating (Healer)
Sleeps in his barrow and sometimes goes on flights. Unknown.

> INTJ: "Scientist" = HAWK 1% Entailing (part of Arranging)(Mastermind)
Penetrating eyesight with talons.

> INTP: "Architect" = EAGLE 1% Designing
High flier in the clouds with talons.

> ISFJ: "Conservator" = MOUSE 6% Securing (Protector) [Nurturers]
Follows the same old trails (rule book) and can contaminate, but nice and cute if clean.

> ISFP: "Artist" = CAT 5% Synthesizing (part of Composing)
Goes where she enjoys best advantage. Independent and unfaithful if neglected.

> ISTJ: "Trustee" = DOG 6% Certifying [Duty Fillers]
Pack animal tamed by his Master. Varied types.

> ISTP: "Craftsman" = BEAR 5% Instrumenting [Mechanics]{Artisan}
If they are good the Bears will go to the picnic. Big and unstoppable if they want something.

High-Level Description of the Sixteen Personality Types

> ENFJ: "Teacher" = BEAVER 5% Educating [Givers]
Family life and charismatic, but can dam up and block the flow. Busy.
> ENTJ: "Field Marshall" = WOLF 5% Mobilizing [Executives]Found in packs with one top dog who must be obeyed or defeated in battle.
Learns the charisma will not work and guile is needed when hunted down.

> ENFP: "Journalist" = FERRET 3% Motivating (Champion) [Inspirors]
Enthusiastic hunter and ferreter out of information.
> ENTP: "Inventor" = SNAKE 2% Devising [Visionaries]
Alien system and cannot hear the words, only feel the vibrations.
Variants: WEASEL

> ESFJ: "Seller" = HORSE 13% Supplying (Provider) [Care Givers]
Wild horses are terrifying, but they can be tamed and ridden.
> ESTJ: "Administrator" = BULL 13% Enforcing [Guardians]
The Ox pulls the plough on behalf of the bosses. The herd can stampede and crush other animals.

> ESFP: "Entertainer" = BUTTERFLY 13% Demonstrating (Performer)
Males are often more colourful. Lots of caterpillar style practice and shine briefly.
> ESTP: "Promoter" = LION or TIGER 13% Persuading [Doers]
Ferocious predator, but not usually malicious. Ruthlessness can cause the same damage though.
Variants: SPIDER

> INFJ: "Author" = SKYLARK 1% Guiding (Counselor)
Very complicated singing the tune.
> INTJ: "Scientist" = HAWK 1% Entailing (part of Arranging)(Mastermind)
Penetrating eyesight with talons.
Speedy messenger.
Variants: BUDGIE, OWL

> INFP: "Questor = DRAGON 1.25% (Males 0.6%) Conciliating (Healer)
Sleeps in his barrow and sometimes goes on flights. Unknown.
> INTP: "Architect" = EAGLE 1% Designing
High flier in the clouds with talons.
Cries real tears of pain, but nobody believes him.
Deragatory (by LIONS) variant: TOAD

> ISFJ: "Conservator" = MOUSE 6% Securing (Protector) [Nurturers]
Follows the same old trails (rule book) and can contaminate, but nice and cute if clean.
> ISTJ: "Trustee" = DOG 6% Certifying [Duty Fillers]
Pack animal tamed by his Master. Varied types.
Does the dirty work with tunnel vision.

> ISFP: "Artist" = CAT 5% Synthesizing (part of Composing)
Goes where she enjoys best advantage. Independent and unfaithful if neglected.
> ISTP: "Craftsman" = BEAR 5% Instrumenting [Mechanics]{Artisan}
If they are good the Bears will go to the picnic. Big and unstoppable if they want something.
Thrive best if locked up in their pen and allowed to clean off the dirt. Running free in the woods and they can be a nuisance.

Wednesday, 23 July 2008

The Angry Dryad

The Angry Dryad

Just because we cannot run after and chase you doesn't mean we cannot talk to one another, and one of us could trip you up or bash you on the bonce with a branch. Beware of an angry Dryad!

Saturday, 19 July 2008

Personality Test: Number Five

In this test you are required to name the first five famous (or not so famous) people you admire. They should be household names. The ones that come to mind to me are:

Bob Dylan
John Steinbeck
Charles Darwin
Aldous Huxley

and one to be named.

All these are writers,, with a bit of science and performer thrown in. I might choose a politician for the other one.

We all have Personality Disorders nowadays?

We all have Personality Disorders nowadays?

1) Have you ever been accused of being insulting or hurtful to others without realising that you were causing offence (acid bath murderer syndrome)?
2) Have you ever been accused of over-reacting to events?
3) Have you ever turned up an event wearing the wrong attire?
4) Have you ever felt that you were an outsider to the group?
5) Do you get paranoid about organisations trying to control you?

If you score Yes for at least Four of the Five allocations above you are suffering from the Personality Disorder known as ??????? Superior Detachment Disorder

1) Have you ever been accused of living in an unreal world of fantasy?
2) Have you ever been accused of getting hurt and upset over minor criticism?
3) Have you ever been accused of winding people when you have never intended to do so?
4) Have you ever answered a question with a question and inadvertently caused offence?
5) Have you ever been called eccentric?

If you score Yes for at least Four of the Five allocations above you are suffering from the Personality Disorder known as ??????? Information Deficit Fantasy Disorder

These allocation do not differentiate between Intuition and Sensing. In other words the political agenda is removed. The greatest conflicts are between core ideas rather than personalities (arguable).

Personal Growth: Direct Links

Personal Growth: Direct Links

Personal Growth page for differing personalities

ISTJ - The Duty Fulfillers DOG
ESTJ - The Guardians BULL
ISFJ - The Nurturers MOUSE
ESFJ - The Caregivers HORSE
ISTP - The Mechanics BEAR
ESTP - The Doers LION
ESFP - The Performers BUTTERFLY
ISFP - The Artists CAT
ENTJ - The Executives WOLF
INTJ - The Scientists HAWK
ENTP - The Visionaries SNAKE
INTP - The Thinkers EAGLE
ENFJ - The Givers BEAVER
INFJ - The Protectors SKYLARK
ENFP - The Inspirers FERRET
INFP - The Idealists DRAGON

The latest anaimal allocations are my own. These are subject to change.

Friday, 18 July 2008

Type Relationships

Type Relationships
TypeLogic: Direct Links for the Personality Types

Type Relationships

each has an area of insight that the other lacks

mutually drawn into experiential escapades

similar modes of expression: bear each other's company well

compatible strengths with opposite emphases

like Pal, but functions are farther removed: each can add to the other's strengths

share a sense of culture, but with different interests and abilities

fits Dr. Beebe's description of the anima/anumus: each is the other's inferior (4th) function

point and counterpoint on each function

perform similar functions in totally different realms

a puzzle: totally foreign in nearly every facet

same types: a typological mirror-image

arrive at the same place by variant processes

intriguingly different: interestingly so

work and play well together: minimal natural type conflict

each is both the other's mentor and student: has a "parent to child" feel

a person one might be comfortable sharing an office. Prefer similar climates, but don't necessarily have much in common as far as goals or world view

Keirsey Personality Types (Addition)

Temperaments and Intelligence Types

Role Variant

Abstract or Concrete?
Cooperative or Utilitarian?
Directive or Informative?
Expressive or Reserved?

Introspective (N)

Idealist (NF) Diplomatic

Mentor (NFJ) Developing
Teacher (ENFJ): Educating BEAVER
Counselor (INFJ): Guiding SKYLARK
Advocate (NFP) Mediating
Champion (ENFP): Motivating FERRET
Healer (INFP): Conciliating DRAGON

Rational (NT) Strategic

Coordinator (NTJ) Arranging
Fieldmarshal (ENTJ): Mobilizing WOLF
Mastermind (INTJ): Entailing HAWK
Engineer (NTP)Constructing
Inventor (ENTP): Devising SNAKE
Architect (INTP): Designing EAGLE

Observant (S)

Guardian (SJ) Logistical
Administrator (STJ)Regulating
Supervisor (ESTJ): Enforcing BULL
Inspector (ISTJ): Certifying DOG
Conservator (SFJ) Supporting
Provider (ESFJ): Supplying HORSE
Protector (ISFJ): Securing MOUSE

Artisan (SP) Tactical

Operator (STP) Expediting
Promoter (ESTP): Persuading LION
Crafter (ISTP): Instrumenting BEAR
Entertainer (SFP) Improvising
Performer (ESFP): Demonstrating BUTTERFLY
Composer (ISFP): Synthesizing CAT


Engineer (NTP)Constructing
Inventor (ENTP): Devising SNAKE
Architect (INTP): Designing EAGLE

Advocate (NFP) Mediating
Champion (ENFP): Motivating FERRET
Healer (INFP): Conciliating DRAGON


SF: Irrational cf. NT: Rational
NP: Psychedelic cf. SJ: Guardian
ST: Absurdist cf. NF: Idealist
NJ: Dictator cf. SP Artisan



There is a group with the Keirsey allocation of **FJ which I call the Fraudians, because they believe in unconscious Feeling world of the repressed egotistic (Horseman ESFJ) cocaine habitee called Sigmund Freud, plus the instant judgement to protect their vested interests the *S*J Guardians. They are dangerous to cross because they do not act by reason and logic, but engage their feelings.

ENFJ "Beaver" (the original allocation of "Wolf" was re-allocated to ENTJ) has an external agenda and anybody he does not feel that fits it with it, he plots against. Beware of retired teachers with not enough to beaver about and do.

ESFJ "Horseman" and various variants like "Camels" and "Unicorns" are the most dangerous simple character types around. They act for personal self interest rather than an agenda. The agenda can be invented after they have acted.

ISFJ "Mouse". Ostensibly these rodents appear harmless, but they can contaminate anything with their poison pen and tongue. They act out of self interest.

INFJ "Skylark". One of the most engaging personalities around. I have not known them cause any trouble, but their problems seem intractable.

The latter two will not instigate fraud, but may turn a blind eye, or even support the fraudster out of loyalty or self interest: the mousy wife and the horse thief.

All character types have variants, like the dirty snivelling Rat (ISFJ/ISTJ).

Wednesday, 16 July 2008

Pride of Lions (ESTP) + Ceremonies of the Horseman (ESFJ)

Hubris + Outrage

Hubris, sometimes spelled hybris (ancient Greek ὕβρις), is a term used in modern English to indicate overweening pride, self-confidence, superciliousness, or arrogance, often resulting in fatal retribution. In ancient Greece, hubris referred to actions which, intentionally or not, shamed and humiliated the victim, and frequently the perpetrator as well. It was most evident in the public and private actions of the powerful and rich. The word was also used to describe actions of those who challenged the gods or their laws, especially in Greek tragedy, resulting in the protagonist's downfall.

Hubris, though not specifically defined, was a legal term and was considered a crime in classical Athens. It was also considered the greatest sin of the ancient Greek world. That was so because it not only was proof of excessive pride, but also resulted in violent acts by or to those involved. The category of acts constituting hubris for the ancient Greeks apparently broadened from the original specific reference to mutilation of a corpse, or a humiliation of a defeated foe, or irreverent "outrageous treatment" in general.

Tuesday, 15 July 2008


Der Steppenwolf is the tenth novel by Hermann Hesse, combining autobiographical and fantastic elements. Released in 1927 and named after the lonesome wolf of the steppes, or coyote, the book in large part reflects a profound crisis in Hesse's spiritual world in the 1920s.

The book is presented as a manuscript by its protagonist, a middle-aged man named Harry Haller (who has the same initials as Hesse himself, a recurring device in his books), who leaves it to a chance acquaintance, the nephew of his landlady. The acquaintance adds a short preface of his own and then has the manuscript published. The title of this "real" book-in-the-book is Harry Haller's Records (For Madmen Only).
As it begins, the hero is beset with reflections on his being ill-suited for the world of "everybody", the regular people. In his aimless wanderings about the city he encounters a person carrying an advertisement for a "magic theater", who gives him a small book, Treatise on the Steppenwolf. This treatise is cited in full in the novel's text (another level of self-reference) as Harry reads it. The pamphlet addresses Harry by name and seems to describe him perfectly, as a man who believes himself to be of two natures: one "high", spiritual and "human"; while the other is "low", animal-like, a "wolf of the Steppes". This man is entangled in an irresolvable struggle, never content with either nature because he cannot see beyond this self made construct. The pamphlet gives an explanation of the multifaceted and indefinable nature of every man's soul, which Harry is either unable or unwilling to recognize.
The next day Harry meets a former academic friend who invites Harry to his home. While there Harry both becomes disgusted by the nationalistic mentality of his friend, and offends the man by criticizing his wife's picture of Goethe (a figure Harry later dreams about), thus cementing his belief that he is not fit for the society of other men. Trying to postpone returning home where he plans to commit suicide, Harry chances upon a young woman in a dance hall, Hermine, who recognizes his desperate condition very quickly.


Island (novel)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Island (ISBN 0-06-008549-5)

is the final book by English novelist Aldous Huxley, published in 1962. It is the account of Will Farnaby, a cynical journalist who is shipwrecked on the fictional island of Pala. Island is Huxley's utopian counterpart to his most famous work, Brave New World, itself often paired with George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four. The ideas that would become Island can be seen in a foreword written twenty years after the original publication of Brave New World:

Let the Animals Fight it out in the Jungle

When the Other people behave is mysterious ways it is possible to analyse their underlying personality structure using the Keirsey system. They do not have to be so obnoxious, but you may find that they will always be incompatible at the feeding grounds (work). At play you can avoid them.

The Millon system is an overlying personality map, and this done by choice by the people involved (often forced by psycho-social circumstances). There is no fixed characterisitc personality types using Millon. It is an illusion, or an operating program put over the top of the personality type. The sadist chooses to be a sadist.

Under Keirsey, the Horseman (ESFJ) has not got all that much choice about being a Horseman. He has ways of modifying his behaviour but his underlying type remains.
The Bullies are likely to be ESTJ. They are agents of higher authorities forcing through an agenda from the Management. SJ are the Guardians.

It is all rather simple really, but it took me about a year to work it all out.

The best bet is to a job that suits your personality type.

I don't think there is much else to do really. Be true to yourself and let the animals fight it out in the jungle.

Cassie is Cursed

Cassie is Cursed
The Cassandra metaphor is applied by some psychologists to individuals who experience physical and emotional suffering as a result of distressing personal perceptions, and who are disbelieved when they attempt to share the cause of their suffering with others.

In Greek mythology, Cassandra (Greek: Κασσάνδρα "she who entangles women"[1]) (also known as Alexandra) was the daughter of King Priam and Queen Hecuba of Troy. Her beauty caused Apollo to grant her the gift of prophecy. However, when she did not return his love, Apollo placed a curse on her so that no one would ever believe her predictions.

Cassandra has always been misunderstood and misinterpreted as a madwoman or crazy doomsday prophetess. Shakespeare presented her as a madwoman ranting and raving along the walls of Troy in his play Troilus and Cressida. More importantly, her own people and family in Troy mistook her as a raving lunatic. She has always been shown in paintings with her long hair flying around her shoulders in what has been considered luntic fashion, scantily clad, and helpless on her knees in the face of her predicted doom. But there is so much more to Cassandra than her maddened predictions and pitiable treatment. Cassandra was a great, intelligent heroine who was cursed by the gods for not playing by their rules. She is a tragic figure, not a madwoman.
Her name, Cassandra, has two distinct meanings. Robert Graves translates it from Greek to mean "she who entangles men", which is ironic since, although she was stunningly beautiful, her 'madness' repelled most men and her prophesies foretold their ignorant deaths.

Concerning Dragons

Concerning Dragons

There were four types of dragon in ancient Greek mythology : the serpent Dracones, the marine Cetea, the fire-breathing Chimaera and the she-monster Dracaenae.

The first type of Greek dragon was the Dracon whose name was derived from the Greek words "drakein" and "derkomai" meaning "to see clearly" or "gaze sharply." It was essentially just a giant serpent which was sometimes equipped with rows of sharp teeth, deadly poison or multiple heads. In myth the beast usually guarded a sacred spring, grove or golden treasure. Our own word "dragon" derives from the creature's name.

The second type of dragon was the Cetus or "Sea-Monster." The creature usually featured in myths of a sacrificial princess rescued by a hero.
Cetacea = Dolphins

The third type of dragon was the Chimera, a fire-breathing monster whose form was a hybrid of lion, serpent and goat. Medieval artists used this creature as the template for the Dragon of Saint George.

The fourth type of dragon was the Dracaena or "She-Dragon," a creature with the upper body of a beautiful nymph and the body of a dracon or sea-monster in place of legs. Two of these creatures, Echidna and Ceto, spawned most of the dragons of myth.

Morph Shifting (Emotion - Thinking Continuum)

All personalities have room for change by engaging their thinking powers. The implication is that the emotion comes first and then the thinking comes later to justify or amend their emotions. See the Perseus Pathos Scale. Too much thinking and you lose the general run of the population. The psychopath may do thinking without emotion, and he could use a more of a feeling component.

So the new idea is to restrict the cleverness, at least in social relations, if not in blogs. This is to gain a more successful personality in life. The animal names have not yet been allocated and may be changed later.

Some animals are unpopular in the western property owning Guardian (SJ) society, e.g. Dragons, Snakes, Ferrets. Others do not fare very well if not supported a crucial moments in the life plan. e.g. Skylarks, Eagles. All these are the Intuitives. I resist the alteration of my Intuition (even though I know it can be faulty in Strangeland) to specific Sensing processes.

> ENFJ: "Teacher" = WOLF 5% Educating [Givers]
> ENTJ: "Field Marshall" = GRIFFIN 5% Mobilizing [Executives]
Junction: ???

> ENFP: "Journalist" = FERRET 3% Motivating (Champion) [Inspires]
> ENTP: "Inventor" = SNAKE 2% Devising [Visionaries]
Junction: ?

> ESFJ: "Seller" = HORSE 13% Supplying (Provider) [Care Givers]
> ESTJ: "Administrator" = BULL 13% Enforcing [Guardians]
Junction: BEAVER

> INFJ: "Author" = SKYLARK 1% Guiding (Counselor)
> INTJ: "Scientist" = HAWK 1% Entailing (part of Arranging)(Mastermind)
Junction: PIGEON ???

> INFP: "Questor = DRAGON 1.25% (Males 0.6%) Conciliating (Healer)
> INTP: "Architect" = EAGLE 1% Designing
Junction: PHOENIX

> ISFP: "Artist" = CAT 5% Synthesizing (part of Composing)
> ISTP: "Craftsman" = BEAR 5% Instrumenting [Mechanics]{Artisan}
Junction: PIG (can't fly)

> ISFJ: "Conservator" = MOUSE 6% Securing (Protector) [Nurturers]
> ISTJ: "Trustee" = DOG 6% Certifying [Duty Fillers]
Junction: RAT

> ESFP: "Entertainer" = BUTTERFLY 13% Demonstrating (Performer)
> ESTP: "Promoter" = LION or TIGER 13% Persuading [Doers]

For what of a better word (quite yet) these are called Junction personalities.
Each of the four dimensions can be changed in the same way (morph-shifting)

Extrovert to Introvert so a more rounded personality can be developed. It may very well that the basic personality type lies underneath. For an Introvert to may an Extrovert on a permanent basis takes a lot of energy. The hard point of thinking hurts (not to be wasted on non-productive crosswords).

Monday, 14 July 2008

Narcissistic Manipulation

Narcissistic Manipulation

This is also why, I think, we tend to overestimate the intelligence of narcissists, psychopaths, con artists, and other manipulators like dictators who con their way to power. We think they must be brilliant to be so manipulative. But even a stupid narcissist I knew was extremely manipulative. Their skill is the fruit of constant practice at manipulation in every human interaction.

So, never think that you are too smart to be manipulated by a narcissist, psychopath, or con artist. You aren't. And you surely can never beat one at his own game.
That's nothing to be ashamed of. It just means that you are an innocent who hasn't spent his or her whole life practicing the black art. So, you won't win that game.

More on Narcissism
Narcissism (psychology)

This article is about the psychiatric condition of narcissism. For narcissism in the generic sense , see Narcissism. Narcissus, the Greek hero after whom narcissism is named, became obsessed with his own reflection. The term narcissism means love of oneself, and refers to the set of character traits concerned with self-admiration, self-centredness and self-regard. The name was chosen by Sigmund Freud, from the Greek myth of Narcissus, who was doomed to fall in love with his own reflection in a pool of water.

Healthy Narcissism: a required element within normal development
Healthy narcissism exists in all individuals. Sigmund Freud says that this is an original state from the individual from where to develop the love object. Freud argues that healthy narcissism is an essential part in normal development.

This is Freudian psychology.
Jungians may use different terms?
I find the whole concept rather distasteful as it is open to abuse.

The abuse occurs in the form of accusing the other of being a Narcissist without examining the facts of the dispute.

Theoi Greek Mythology

Welcome to the Theoi Project, a site exploring Greek mythology and the gods in classical literature and art.

The aim of the project is to provide a comprehensive, free reference guide to the gods (theoi), spirits (daimones), fabulous creatures (theres) and heroes of ancient Greek mythology and religion.


The Theoi Project profiles each deity and creature of Greek Mythology on a separate page, incorporating an encyclopedia summary, quotations from a wide selection of ancient Greek and Roman texts, and illustrations from ancient art. Analysis of the texts and interpretation of the stories of myth is currently beyond the scope of the project. For such detailed analysis, I would suggest consulting some of the good books available on the subject.

Transliterated forms of Greek names are used throughout the biography pages of the site rather than their Latin forms, e.g. Kirke instead of Circe, Ouranos for Uranus, Apollon in place of Apollo, etc. The index and introduction pages, however, use the Latin name-forms for ease of reference.
The Theoi Classical Texts Library contains an extensive collection of classical literature on the theme of Greek mythology, including the works of many of the lesser known poets which are not available online elsewhere. Please note, that these are not the same texts which are quoted on the biography pages of, which are listed separately on the Bibliography page.

Summaries of the most important of the Greek gods, as well as classes of divinity can be found on the Pantheon and Greek Gods pages. The fabulous creatures, tribes and monsters of Greek mythology are listed in the Bestiary.

The entire Family Tree of the Greek pantheon of gods is displayed over eight charts with a central name index. There is also a separate table outlining the genealogy of the gods from Hesiod's Theogony.

A simple map of the various kingdoms of Greek mythology can by found on the Kingdoms page. Other themed pages include Plants and Flowers in Greek mythology and Greek Star Myths.
The site contains a Gallery of more than 1200 pictures from ancient Greek and Roman art, including vase paintings (C6th to C4th B.C.), sculptures, frescos and mosaics (C4th B.C. to C4th A.D.).

The pages can be searched using the Google box at the top left-hand corner of this page.

The Ancestor's Tale

The Ancestor's Tale: a pilgrimage to the dawn of evolution
by Richard Dawkins, Yan Wong

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By Richard Dawkins, YanWong
Contributor Yan Wong
Published 2004
Mariner Books
Evolution (Biology)/ Philosophy
673 pages

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Renowned biologist and thinker Richard Dawkins presents his most expansive work yet: a comprehensive look at evolution, ranging from the latest developments in the field to his own provocative views. Loosely based on the form of Chaucer"s Canterbury Tales, Dawkins"s Tale takes us modern humans back through four billion years of life on earth. As our pilgrimage progresses, we join with other organisms at the "rendezvous points" where we find a common ancestor. The band of pilgrims swells into a vast crowd as we join first with other primates, then with other mammals, and so on back to the very first primordial organism. Dawkins"s brilliant, inventive approach allows us to view the connections between ourselves and all other life in a bracingly novel way. It also lets him shed bright new light on the most compelling aspects of evolutionary history and theory: sexual selection, speciation, convergent evolution, extinction, genetics, plate tectonics, geographical dispersal, and more. The Ancestor"s Tale is at once a far-reaching survey of the latest, best thinking on biology and a fascinating history of all living things.

Friday, 11 July 2008

In the Groove

Flow (psychology)

Flow is the mental state of operation in which the person is fully immersed in what he or she is doing by a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and success in the process of the activity. Proposed by positive psychologist Mihály Csíkszentmihályi, the concept has been widely referenced across a variety of fields[1].
Colloquial terms for this or similar mental states include: to be on the ball, in the zone, or in the groove.


And suddenly I realised that I was no longer driving the car consciously. I was driving it by a kind of instinct, only I was in a different dimension. It was like I was in a tunnel. Not only the tunnel under the hotel but the whole circuit was a tunnel. I was just going and going, more and more and more and more. I was way over the limit but still able to find even more."

Mapping the Mind

Rita Carter
Mapping the Mind

UK £6.59


"Mapping the Mind is an up-to-date, easy to read, gorgeously produced happy hybrid of textbook and coffee table tome....This book is a reminder of the enormous strides knowledge has made in the past three decades....Carter does a good job in describing how over the millions of years of hominid evolution the needs of survival have selected and shaped the features of the nervous system....Having a map is essential for any new journey. Thus Mapping the Mind is a welcome aid."–Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Washington Post"

Rita Carter recounts comprehensively, aided by an abundance of illustrations, what has been discovered about brain structure and function."–Scientific American

The Falcon can take the Skylark out of the Sky

PS: In Catch 22, the person who is your enemy is the one who is going to get you killed!

Your counselor or advisor maybe working with good intentions but they have not perceived all the facts. Undercover actions on their part could put your life in danger.

Unfortunately, the Hawk or Falcon character (INTJ) is a very intelligent type that does this all the time.

The INTJs interest in dealing with the world is to make decisions, express judgments, and put everything that they encounter into an understandable and rational system. Consequently, they are quick to express judgments. Often they have very evolved intuitions, and are convinced that they are right about things. Unless they complement their intuitive understanding with a well-developed ability to express their insights, they may find themselves frequently misunderstood. In these cases, INTJs tend to blame misunderstandings on the limitations of the other party, rather than on their own difficulty in expressing themselves. This tendency may cause the INTJ to dismiss others input too quickly, and to become generally arrogant and elitist.

The Hawk tends to work (understandably) within the political climate. Suppose the political climate was an utilitarian judgement-style authority*. There are going to be lots of corpses lying in the road as Administrators (Bullies ESTJ) smash their way to power riding on the backs of the Pride of Lions (ESTP) following the Gorgon or Attila (ESFJ & ENTP couple).

It is well the remind these Hawks that when the final Judgement Day comes, they cannot control nature.


Judgement in the Work Place & the Community

Judgement in the Work Place
Judger or Perceiver

This category deals with how we orient our lives. Judgers are structured, ordered, scheduled, and on-time. They are the list makers. Judgers wake up every morning with a definite plan for the day, and become very upset when the plan becomes unraveled. Even free time is scheduled. Perceivers, on the other hand, rely on creativity, spontaneity, and responsiveness, rather than a plan or list, to get them through the day. They burn the midnight oil to meet deadlines, although they usually meet them. Perceivers like to turn work into play, because if a task is not fun, they reason, it is probably not worth doing.

Experts say that this personality type difference is the most significant source of tension in the workplace and in group work. Perceivers prefer to keep gathering information rather than to draw conclusions. Judgers prefer to make decisions, often ignoring new information that might change that decision. Hence, the conflict. The authors of the book contend that a good balance of judgers and perceivers are necessary for a well-functioning work group. Judgers need light-hearted perceivers to make them relax, and perceivers need structured judgers to keep things organized and reach closure on projects.

Thursday, 10 July 2008

Self-heal 2


Great Indian Chief Pouring Mug

Great Indian Chief Pouring Mug

Is your Intuition called Superstition by the Other?

“Intuition is a combination of historical (empirical) data, deep and heightened observation and an ability to cut through the thickness of surface reality. Intuition is like a slow motion machine that captures data instantaneously and hits you like a ton of bricks. Intuition is a knowing, a sensing that is beyond the conscious understanding — a gut feeling. Intuition is not pseudo-science.” Abella Arthur

Intuition (philosophy)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Intuition is the act by which the mind perceives the agreement or disagreement of two ideas. When using only intuition, the truth of the proposition is immediately known right then, the moment it is presented. This is without the intervention of other ideas or deductive reasoning.[1]
In common usage, intuitions lead us to believe things without being able to articulate evidence or reasons for those beliefs (see intuition (knowledge). In philosophy, the epistemic credentials of various types of intuition may be investigated, or "intuition" may be used as a technical term. Intuitions are distinguished from beliefs, since we can hold beliefs which are not intuitive, or have intuitions for propositions that we know to be false.

My intentions are good, I use my intuition
It takes me for a ride
But I never understood other people's superstition
It seemed like suicide
And as I play the game of life
I try to make it better each and every day
And when I struggle in the night
The magic of the music seems to light the way
Intuition takes me there
Intuition takes me everywhere
Well my instincts are fine I had to learn to use them in order to survive
And time after time confirmed an old suspicion
It's good to be alive
And when I'm deep down and out and lose communication
With nothing left to say
It's then I realize it's only a condition
Of seeing things that way
Intuition takes me there
Intuition takes me everywhere

Question: Is your Intuition called Superstition by the Other?

Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Who burned down the Farm?

Who burned down the Farm?
(Miscellaneous Dream Notes)

I had a good news dream for a change (instead of the threats, after a night with no sleep at all).
Predatory animals were roaming the town, the proud Lion walked past the Community Centre (south-east) and much more hard to see the Tiger was in the north-west. Now these animals were neither friendly nor hostile, but these are dangerous predatory creatures of the night. Then the Insurance Agent started running. The Tiger quickly caught him and he was toast (a single bite to the neck). What other creatures are lurking?

Don't tell anybody your dreams, the Jungians might get into power!"
The Fascist (in his dream) was being chased by a Mallard steam locomotive, but the engine was red. Ha! Ha!

PS: In Catch 22, the person who is your enemy is the one who is going to get you killed!
'Beware of the Dark Star: hundreds of Black Bulls riding on a pride of Lions with the Gorgon as their leader,' said the clairvoyant.

Binsfeld's Classification of Demons

Binsfeld's classification of demons

Binsfeld's classification of demons was prepared in 1589 by Peter Binsfeld. His demon classification based on the seven deadly sins, establishing that each one of the mentioned demons tempted people by means of one of those sins.

Lucifer: pride
Mammon: greed
Asmodeus: lust
Leviathan: envy
Beelzebub: gluttony
Satan/Amon: wrath
Belphegor: sloth

Modern Animism World (Latest Revision)

The World of Modern Personality Types:

> ENFJ: "Teacher" = WOLF 5% Educating [Givers] Change to BEAVER seems appropriate
> ENFP: "Journalist" = FERRET 3% Motivating (Champion) [Inspirors]
> ENTJ: "Field Marshall" = GRIFFIN 5% Mobilizing [Executives] Change to WOLF seems appropriate
> ENTP: "Inventor" = SNAKE 2% Devising [Visionaries]
> ESFJ: "Seller" = HORSE 13% Supplying (Provider) [Care Givers]
> ESFP: "Entertainer" = BUTTERFLY 13% Demonstrating (Performer)
> ESTJ: "Administrator" = BULL 13% Enforcing [Guardians]
> ESTP: "Promoter" = LION 13% Persuading [Doers]
> INFJ: "Author" = SKYLARK 1% Guiding (Counselor)
> INFP: "Questor = DRAGON 1.25% (Males 0.6%) Conciliating (Healer)
> INTJ: "Scientist" = HAWK 1% Entailing (part of Arranging)(Mastermind)
> INTP: "Architect" = EAGLE 1% Designing
> ISFJ: "Conservator" = MOUSE 6% Securing (Protector) [Nurturers]
> ISFP: "Artist" = CAT 5% Synthesizing (part of Composing)
> ISTJ: "Trustee" = DOG 6% Certifying [Duty Fillers]
> ISTP: "Craftsman" = BEAR 5% Instrumenting [Mechanics]{Artisan}

I have the "favoured" Beaver variant at the junction of ESTJ/ESTP. The scientific name of Beaver is a favourable omen. Alas, the Phoenix INFP/INTP will accuse the Beaver of interrupting the flow, damning up the stream of consciousness. The clash can be seen.


NF is an Idealist. I am not so sure that Wolves are after Soulmates, more like a Helpmate, so Wolf could be wrongly allocated ??? as ENFJ and maybe should be ENTJ ???

Looking up Beaver relationships as I write this. Not an animal I am familiar with.

Mooladhara Chakra

The Mooladhara Chakra is the Primordial 'Fourness' of the universe, the Quaternity: the four cardinal points, the four elements, the four pillars upholding Reality, The four Kherubim or 'Living Creatures': Bull, Lion, Angel/Man, and Eagle. The Kherubim were a special order of angels with access to the presence of God, and they appear several times in the Bible: in Ezekiel's vision, in the Book of Daniel, and in the Revelation.

According to religious texts, Ezekiel ((Hebrew: יְחֶזְקֵאל‎, Yehezkel, IPA: [jəx.ezˈqel]), "God will strengthen", from חזק, hazak, [xa'zaq], literally "to fasten upon", figuratively "strong", and אל, el, [ʔel], literally "strength", figuratively "Almighty"(Arabic: ذو الكفل‎)) was a prophet and priest in the Bible who prophesied for 22 years sometime in the 6th century BC in the form of visions while exiled in Babylon, as recorded in the Book of Ezekiel.

Bull: Guardian SJ
ESTJ: "Administrator" = RAT 13% Enforcing [Guardians]
This is the one I was going to change to BULL

Lion: Artisan SP
ESTP: "Promoter" = TIGER 13% Persuading [Doers]
LION is Proud

Angel/Man: Idealist NF
INFP: "Questor = DRAGON 1.25% (Males 0.6%) Conciliating (Healer)

Eagle: Rational NT
INTP: "Architect" = EAGLE 1% Designing

Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Modern Animism (Indecision and Reversion)

After a night's sleep I have decided to revert to the original:

> ENTJ: "Field Marshall" = BULL 5% Mobilizing [Executives]
> ESTJ: "Administrator" = RAT 13% Enforcing [Guardians]

The first ENTJ is the relentless intimidation feels like being pounded into the ground by some heavyweight animal, unless somehow the target of the bullying can rise above it.
The second ESTJ is just bullying by proxy.

There excuse is "lack of time", "got to get things done", as they crush their victims under the relentless boot. But they are not the worst horror to be revealed.

The World of Modern Personality Types:

> ENFJ: "Teacher" = WOLF 5% Educating [Givers]
> ENFP: "Journalist" = FERRET 3% Motivating (Champion) [Inspirors]
> ENTJ: "Field Marshall" = BULL 5% Mobilizing [Executives]
> ENTP: "Inventor" = SNAKE 2% Devising [Visionaries]
> ESFJ: "Seller" = HORSE 13% Supplying (Provider) [Care Givers]
> ESFP: "Entertainer" = BUTTERFLY 13% Demonstrating (Performer)
> ESTJ: "Administrator" = RAT 13% Enforcing [Guardians]
> ESTP: "Promoter" = TIGER 13% Persuading [Doers]
> INFJ: "Author" = SKYLARK 1% Guiding (Counselor)
> INFP: "Questor = DRAGON 1.25% (Males 0.6%) Conciliating (Healer)
> INTJ: "Scientist" = HAWK 1% Entailing (part of Arranging)(Mastermind)
> INTP: "Architect" = EAGLE 1% Designing
> ISFJ: "Conservator" = MOUSE 6% Securing (Protector) [Nurturers]
> ISFP: "Artist" = CAT 5% Synthesizing (part of Composing)
> ISTJ: "Trustee" = DOG 6% Certifying [Duty Fillers]
> ISTP: "Craftsman" = BEAR 5% Instrumenting [Mechanics]{Artisan}

Monday, 7 July 2008

Modern Animism World (Revision)

As part of self criticism (I am not sure that this is a INTP trait) I take on board that Bulls are grazers.

NTs should take on high grade information and this one may need correction.
ESTJ Rats may in fact be the Bullies, leaving ENTJ to be LIONS, perhaps.

The Animal types were chosen by the Intuitive method. The justification comes afterwards. It looks like a mistake may have been made here.

It really mucks up a lot of the earlier posts.

Revised List:

> ENFJ: "Teacher" = WOLF 5% Educating [Givers]
> ENFP: "Journalist" = FERRET 3% Motivating (Champion) [Inspirors]
> ENTJ: "Field Marshall" = LION 5% Mobilizing [Executives]
> ENTP: "Inventor" = SNAKE 2% Devising [Visionaries]
> ESFJ: "Seller" = HORSE 13% Supplying (Provider) [Care Givers]
> ESFP: "Entertainer" = BUTTERFLY 13% Demonstrating (Performer)
> ESTJ: "Administrator" = BULL 13% Enforcing [Guardians]
> ESTP: "Promoter" = TIGER 13% Persuading [Doers]
> INFJ: "Author" = SKYLARK 1% Guiding (Counselor)
> INFP: "Questor = DRAGON 1.25% (Males 0.6%) Conciliating (Healer)
> INTJ: "Scientist" = HAWK 1% Entailing (part of Arranging)(Mastermind)
> INTP: "Architect" = EAGLE 1% Designing
> ISFJ: "Conservator" = MOUSE 6% Securing (Protector) [Nurturers]
> ISFP: "Artist" = CAT 5% Synthesizing (part of Composing)
> ISTJ: "Trustee" = DOG 6% Certifying [Duty Fillers]
> ISTP: "Artisan" = BEAR 5% Instrumenting [Mechanics]

Perseus Personality Tests: Number Four

Perseus Personality Tests: Number Four

What building or designing something (e.g. a web site), do you follow the rules or do what works?

Do you prefer to talk about ideas (fantasy, psychology, theory, ecology) or about facts (weather, mending the broken car, getting spare parts, what butterfly is that?) ?

Freudian Defence Mechanisms

In Freudian psychoanalytic theory, defence mechanisms or defense mechanisms (see -ce/-se) are psychological strategies brought into play by various entities to cope with reality and to maintain self-image. Healthy persons normally use different defences throughout life. An ego defence mechanism becomes pathological only when its persistent use leads to maladaptive behavior such that the physical and/or mental health of the individual is adversely affected. The purpose of the Ego Defence Mechanisms is to protect the mind/self/ego from anxiety, social sanctions or to provide a refuge from a situation with which one cannot currently cope.[1]
They are more accurately referred to as ego defence mechanisms, and can thus be categorized as occurring when the id impulses are in conflict with each other, when the id impulses conflict with super-ego values and beliefs, and when an external threat is posed to the ego.

Comment: This is the most valuable part of Freud's work and the only bit that makes sense and is useful to me.

Critical Stress may occur when the defence mechanisms are breached:

Inner World of Choice

The Inner World of Choice (Paperback)
by Frances G. Wickes (Author)
Recommended Jungian text book

Perseus Personality Tests: Number Three

Perseus Personality Tests: Number Three
(Under development)

In heaven which of the following animals is

1) My personality
2) My deadliest adversary
3) My love mate
4) My advisor/councillor
5) My companion
6) My boss
7) My neighbour

and in a foreign land Which animal would I be misrepresented as =

8) My enigma


(BULL) Changed to LION
(RAT) Changed to BULL

Idea adapted and borrowed from

Perseus Personality Tests: Number Two

Perseus Personality Tests: Number Two
(Under development)

Please each of the four in order of preference.

When choosing a mate, what do you prefer in order:

A help mate
A play mate
Meeting of minds
Meeting of souls


Somebody to help you through troubles and makes things better
Somebody to have good fun with and damn the consequences
Somebody you can talk to and understand
Somebody who has the same principles and ideals as you

Perseus Personality Tests: Number One

Perseus Personality Tests: Number One
(Under development)

Please each of the four in order of preference.

Would you rather be thought of as




If you are not sure about these, imagine you are in a strange country and all your status had been removed. Which of the four would you feel most aggrieved at being without?

Are you worried most if they

1) fail to treat you with respect, belittling your words etc.

2) responding to you as a different personality type inauthenticating your self (e.g. treating you like a salesman, artist, office clerk, writer, professor, computer nerd, dope fiend, waiter, back door fornicator or whatever you feel contrary to your own image)

3) accusing you of being rigid and not flexible, not adaptable

4) accusing using you of not sticking to your guns, being fickle

Which one would actually disturb you or stress you out the most?

The idea is to try and get to your underlying personality rather than the masquerade imposed for social and economic reasons and family responsibilities.

Saturday, 5 July 2008


My personality (mostly INTP) says:

1) Standard Psychiatric Mythology
I really do not know what good this gobbledegook is. It should be assigned as a relic of the 20th century with the two World Wars. They have not cured anybody yet, and it is really just assisted suicide. The is the medical model that simply does not work.

2) Millon Punitive System
This is not all that much different from the standard system. They are overlaid patterns on top of the Animism personality types. The Millon personalities can become a pervasive Modus Operandi in certain people. However, they are not ingrained and are a product of psycho-social-economic circumstances. The written tests do not work properly either.

3) Modern Animism
This Jungian-style system works, but the tests are not sophisticated enough. Personal growth and conflict resolution is possible.

4) Monotheistic God systems and variants
History shows some examples where the new religions have reduced social strife, but plenty of examples where doctrine differences have resulted in strife.



Natural Mandala

Thursday, 3 July 2008

Blog from the Psi Corps

I imagined that the psychologists were all members of the Psi Corps

I am not even sure if they are telepaths at all? They may just be scientists or even Petit Gods (ENFJ) following the rule book?

The psychiatrists are the Psi Cops. Prior to the Telepath War, new telepaths were either made to join the Psi Corps or take drugs to block their abilities. Many telepaths runaway to keep from being forced into the Corps. After the war, telepaths had more freedom in choosing their futures. When confronted by an assassin coming out of a Minibar, I do not know if I passed out through a mind burst (denial fainting) or became unconscious through being hit, the scientist suggested. I know it was the latter from past experience, and I have the evidence in photographs.

Dr Stephen Franklin
CMO Babylon 5

Beware of the Psi Cops
psi(n) : the twenty-third letter of Classical and Modern Greek and thetwenty-fourth letter of Old and Ancient Greek; a form of psychicenergy(abbrev) : pounds per square inch (an imperial unit of pressure)

20 Leagues under the Sea of Humanity. The pressure is on.

Blade Runner Revisited

Blade Runner Revisited

Bullying is so institutionalised in the human culture that it is really a question of how you deal with the bullies like the Tax Collector. Passive-Aggressive is one way to avoid direct conflict. Some people are bullied so severely that they lose contact with their real person (reality) and the first sign is misplacement of objects, followed by visual distortions of time and place, and eventually estrangement from the real self and place in the world that suicide becomes almost inevitable. I got this from the Millon Manual, so it is safe to assume that the Psi Cops know this and it is used as a method to get get of dissenters and eliminate the population of misfits that area drain on the economy. If the process does not work, they send in the assassins.

The Brigadier

Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Personal Growth: Direct Links

Personal Growth page for differing personalities

ISTJ - The Duty Fulfillers
ESTJ - The Guardians
ISFJ - The Nurturers
ESFJ - The Caregivers
ISTP - The Mechanics
ESTP - The Doers
ESFP - The Performers
ISFP - The Artists
ENTJ - The Executives
INTJ - The Scientists
ENTP - The Visionaries
INTP - The Thinkers
ENFJ - The Givers
INFJ - The Protectors
ENFP - The Inspirers
INFP - The Idealists

Psychiatry v Psychology (Tools)

The Millon Map seems to be a variant of the psychiatric system and built up to guard (SJ) the interests of the Establishment. This would be used by the Psi Cops (psychiatrists). It seems to propose their is a normal human condition (as defined by the Psi Cops in power) and the types are variants from the normal (anti-Socialist).

The Keirsey System starts from the premise that everybody is different (NJ) and builds a map for the individual needs and is used by the Psi Corps (psychologists).

Eagle and the Counterpoint (Eye for an Eye)

From the perspective of an Eagle (INTP).

This is the Contrast one (Griffin)

Contrast point and counterpoint on each function

In a negotiation, a counterparty (counterparties – plural) is the other representatives(s) of the other negotiation party(s) with whom one is negotiating a potential agreement or contract.

I think this means an Eye for an Eye at every point of contact.

The INTJs, Hawks are bad enough! They should be complementary.

This is the classic Commander, leading an army of attrition against the Eagles, the Snakes, the Dragons, and anybody who disagrees is stampeded into the ground. He may employ Rats, Dogs etc. to do the work. The Snake will be pummelled to death, the Eagle will fly above the mayhem, but needs to be careful at feeding time, and the Dragon will go to sleep in his barrow.

This seems to be the worst possible case scenario, but it isn't, the Unicorn and the Black Riders (Horsemen ESFJ) are more formidable.This is the Anima in type relationships and could be your shadow.

Moving over to the Dragon personality (INFP) and I am confronted by a pack of Wolves (ENFJ) as point and counterpoint. The Bully (ESTJ) is the Anima.

It is again, only at feeding time that the conflicts occur.


The BULLY allocation has an animal revision to LION and then to GRIFFIN.

The RAT alloction has an animal revision to BULLY.

Going to the Dogs

Intellectual dishonesty is the advocacy of a position which the advocate knows or believes to be false. Rhetoric is used to advance an agenda or to reinforce one's deeply held beliefs in the face of overwhelming contrary evidence. If a person is aware of the evidence and agrees with the conclusion it portends, yet advocates a contradictory view, they commit intellectual dishonesty.

The Guardians (SJ) are in charge and the place if full of Dogs (ISTJ).

Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Modern Animism World

> ENFJ: "Teacher" = WOLF 5% Educating [Givers]
Found in packs and gang up on others with the leader of the pack high on charisma.

> ENFP: "Journalist" = FERRET 3% Motivating (Champion) [Inspirors]
Enthusiastic hunter and ferreter out of information.

> ENTJ: "Field Marshall" = BULL 5% Mobilizing [Executives]
Highly protective of the herd. Big boss animal. Leader of the stampede when all the other animals that cannot fly are ground to dust.

> ENTP: "Inventor" = SNAKE 5% Devising [Visionaries]
Alien system and cannot hear the words, only feel the vibrations.

> ESFJ: "Seller" = HORSE 13% Supplying (Provider) [Care Givers]
Wild horses are terrifying, but they can be tamed.

> ESFP: "Entertainer" = BUTTERFLY 13% Demonstrating (Performer)
Males are often more colourful. Lots of caterpillar style practice and shine briefly.

> ESTJ: "Administrator" = RAT 13% Enforcing [Guardians]
Do the dirty work with tunnel vision.

> ESTP: "Promoter" = TIGER 13% Persuading [Doers]
Ferocious predator, but not usually malicious. Ruthlessness can cause the same damage though.

> INFJ: "Author" = SKYLARK 1% Guiding (Counselor)
Very complicated singing the tune.

> INFP: "Questor = DRAGON 1.25% (Males 0.6%) Conciliating (Healer)
Sleeps in his barrow and sometimes goes on flights. Unknown.

> INTJ: "Scientist" = HAWK 1% Entailing (part of Arranging)(Mastermind)
Penetrating eyesight with talons.

> INTP: "Architect" = EAGLE 1% Designing
High flier in the clouds with talons.

> ISFJ: "Conservator" = MOUSE 6% Securing (Protector) [Nurturers]
Follows the same old trails (rule book) and can contaminate, but nice and cute if clean.

> ISFP: "Artist" = CAT 5% Synthesizing (part of Composing)
Goes where she enjoys best advantage. Independent and unfaithful if neglected.

> ISTJ: "Trustee" = DOG 6% Certifying [Duty Fillers]
Pack animal tamed by his Master. Varied types.

> ISTP: "Artisan" = BEAR 5% Instrumenting [Mechanics]
If they are good the Bears will go to the picnic. Big and unstoppable if they want something.

Children of the Damned

Children of the Damned

The poets might like this page:


"One is that they are likely to tolerate narcissists. When you grow up with things, you have no way of knowing that they are abnormal. You think that some people "are just like that." You're trained to tolerate it, because to do anything but is a sin. "


These links no longer work. The nearest I could find was:

This might find favour with John Wyndham readers.

However, the Hawk (Scientist) might take the Skylark (Author) rightout of the air, song and all.