Sunday, 31 January 2010
Don't walk on the Cracks in the Pavement (Mater v Pater)
Saturday, 30 January 2010
Nymphs and Patriarchs and Satyrs
A nymph in Greek mythology is a female spirit typically associated with a particular location or landform. Other nymphs, always in the shape of young nubile maidens, were part of the retinue of a god, such as Dionysus,Hermes, or Pan, or a goddess, generally Artemis.[1]Nymphs were the frequent target of satyrs. They live in mountains and groves, by springs and rivers, also in trees and in valleys and cool grottoes. They are frequently associated with the superior divinities: the huntress Artemis; the prophetic Apollo; the reveller and god of wine, Dionysus; and rustic gods such as Pan and Hermes.
The symbolic marriage of a nymph and a patriarch, often the eponym of a people, is repeated endlessly in Greek origin myths; their union lent authority to the archaic king and his line.
In Greek mythology, satyrs (Ancient Greek Σάτυροι, Satyroi) are a troop of male companions of Pan and Dionysus — "satyresses" were a late invention of poets — that roamed the woods and mountains. In mythology they are often associated with sex drive and vase-painters often portrayed them with perpetual erections.
Originally a patriarch was a man who exercised autocratic authority as apater familias over an extended family. The system of such rule of families by senior males is called patriarchy. This is a Greek word, a composition ofπατήρ (pater) meaning "father" and ἄρχων (archon) meaning "leader", "chief", "ruler", "king", etc.
In Greek mythology, the centaurs (from Ancient Greek Κένταυροι - Kéntauroi) are a race of creatures composed of part human and part horse. In early Attic and Boeotian vase-paintings, as on the kantharos illustrated below left, they are depicted with the hindquarters of a horse attached to them; in later renderings centaurs are given the torso of a human joined at the waist to the horse's withers, where the horse's neck would be.
This half-human and half-animal composition has led many writers to treat them as liminal beings, caught between the two natures, embodied in contrasted myths, both as the embodiment of untamed nature, as in their battle with the Lapiths, or conversely as teachers, like Chiron.
n Greek mythology, Cheiron or Kheiron (Greek: Χείρων; "hand"[1]) was held as the superlative centaur among his brethren. Like the satyrs, centaurs were notorious for being overly indulgent drinkers and carousers, given to violence when intoxicated, and generally uncultured delinquents, each Centaur was also wild and lusty. Chiron, by contrast, was intelligent, civilized and kind.[2] He was known for his knowledge and skill with medicine. According to an archaic myth[3] he was sired by Kronos (Cronus) when he had taken the form of a horse[4] and impregnated the nymph Philyra,[5] Chiron's lineage was different from other centaurs ...
In Greek mythology, Philyra was an Oceanid, a daughter of Oceanus and Tethys. She was married to Nauplius and had many children. Chiron was her son by Cronus.[1] When she gave birth to her son, she was so disgusted by how he looked that she abandoned him at birth. She was the goddess of perfume, writing, healing, beauty and paper. She also taught humanity to make paper.
Miss Fraud in a Little Black Dress
Friday, 29 January 2010
Upset the Apple-cart
Upset the apple-cart
To cause upset - to create a difficulty.
This allusory phrase is first recorded by Jeremy Belknap in The History of New Hampshire, 1788:
"Adams had almost overset the apple-cart by intruding an amendment of his own fabrication on the morning of the day of ratification" [of the Constitution].
Thursday, 28 January 2010
Dangers of Hypnotism 2
Trance: Danger of Hypnosis
Incidentally, endorphins are your minds own natural opiates but thousands of times stronger. When a subject enters trance endorphins are released into the brain. The deeper the level of trance the greater the release of endorphins.
Truth of the Matter
first, it is ridiculed;
next it is violently attacked;
finally, it is held to be self-evident."
Monday, 25 January 2010
Semantic Change
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Semantic change, also known as semantic shift or semantic progression describes the evolution of word usage — usually to the point that the modern meaning is radically different from the original usage. In diachronic (or historical) linguistics, semantic change is a change in one of the meanings of a word. Every word has a variety of senses and connotations which can be added, removed, or altered over time, often to the extent that cognates across space and time have very different meanings. Semantic change is one of three major processes to find a designation for a concept. The study of semantic change can be seen as part of etymology, onomasiology, semasiology and semantics.
The term gay was originally used, until well into the mid-20th century, primarily to refer to feelings of being "carefree", "happy", or "bright and showy"; it had also come to acquire some connotations of "immorality" as early as 1637.
The term later began to be used in reference to homosexuality, in particular, from the early 20th century, a usage that may have dated prior to the 19th century. In modern English, gay has come to be used as an adjective, and occasionally as a noun, that refers to the people, practices, and culture associated with homosexuality.
Cliques & Gangs
A clique (pronounced /ˈkliːk/, in American English also /ˈklɪk/) is an exclusive group of people who share interests, views, purposes, patterns of behavior, or ethnicity. A clique as a reference group can be either normative or comparative. Membership in a clique is often, but not necessarily, exclusive, and qualifications for membership may be social or essential to the nature of the clique. The term 'clique' may be used pejoratively.
Sociological interpretation
A normative clique or reference group is often the primary source of social interaction for the members of the clique, which can affect the values and beliefs of an individual. The comparative clique or reference group is a standard of comparison in which a clique can exist in the workplace, in a community, in the classroom, in a business, or any other area of social interaction. Cliques tend to form within the boundaries of a larger group where opportunities to interact are great.
A gang is a group of three or more people who, through the organization, formation, and establishment of an assemblage, share a common identity. In current usage it typically denotes a criminal organization or else a criminal affiliation. In early usage, the word gang referred to a group of workmen. In the United Kingdom the word is still often used in this sense, but it later underwent pejoration.
Cognitive Biases & Discrimination
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A cognitive bias is a pattern of deviation in judgment that occurs in particular situations (see also cognitive distortion and the lists of thinking-related topics). Implicit in the concept of a "pattern of deviation" is a standard of comparison; this may be the judgment of people outside those particular situations, or may be a set of independently verifiable facts. The existence of some of these cognitive biases has been verified empirically in the field of psychology.
Cognitive biases are instances of evolved mental behavior. Some are presumably adaptive, for example, because they lead to more effective actions or enable faster decisions. Others presumably result from a lack of appropriate mental mechanisms, or from the misapplication of a mechanism that is adaptive under different circumstances.
(Ency Britannica)
in psychology, the ability to perceive and respond to differences among stimuli. It is considered a more advanced form of learning than generalization (q.v.), the ability to perceive similarities, although animals can be trained to discriminate as well as to generalize.
Introspection Reality (Introverted Intuition)
Logically surmise (cf. Introspection Illusion) these are the incorporated knowledge into your psyche.
Subject to scientific method of proof
Subject to political realities of who is in power (=political)
Subject to general held folk lore beliefs (even though non-scientific)
Subject to political propaganda (the beliefs of the victors)
Subject to academia (truths and fashions of the professors, peer reviewed)
Subject to political and club allegiances etc.
etc. etc.
Intuitively grasped that property interests will be defended by force, even if stolen in the first place (e.g. enclosures, invasions)
Examples where Intuition may mislead (commonly held beliefs):
Belief in a Puca (imaginary Being) or Supreme Being (God, allegiance of Freemasonry)
Belief in Psychiatry Personality Disorders (control methods of the Psi Cops)
Political beliefs (e.g, nationalism, socialism, imperialism etc.)
These are independent thoughts. I wonder what Keirsey and the web sites have to say?
The sense of the future and the realizations that come from introverted iNtuiting have a sureness and an imperative quality that seem to demand action and help us stay focused on fulfilling our vision or dream of how things will be in the future. Using this process, we might rely on a focal device or symbolic action to predict, enlighten, or transform. We could find ourselves laying out how the future will unfold based on unseen trends and telling signs. This process can involve working out complex concepts or systems of thinking or conceiving of symbolic or novel ways to understand things that are universal. It can lead to creating transcendent experiences or solutions.
Sunday, 24 January 2010
Introspection Illusion
Comment: I agree. My introspection (External Intuition) is my observations of the Others and Political reality. Internal (introverted) Intuition is unfathomable to me. That means I can't measure it.
For the INTP this is Critical Parent Shadow Process:
Foreseeing implications, transformations, and likely effects
However, it is the Devil process for the Hamster ISFJ, Dogmatic ISTJ.
Leading process for the Deputy INTJ, Designer ISFJ.
Zoological Gardens
After a binge, I often worry about the undiplomatic things I have said. My lack of inhibitions generally quickens up any disputes so I do not waste any time. Occasionally, more than five times, I have evoked extremely violent reactions from SJ Guards who think I have not been respectful.
I suspect my thinking diminishes and I may operate cognitively more NP than PN (politically advantageous), but I may morph-shift to the dangerous NIPF
NIPF-"master of puppets"- This type is very adept at creating concord or discord, without appearing involved. Its motives remain inscrutable. Of the INFPs who are mistaken for INTPs, this is the most dangerous.
But more likely to;
NPIF-"the zookeeper"-Eerily close to their NPIT counterparts, this type collects personalities into elaborate menageries of potential. Also called the "animal hoarder"
I do not know if this is a change of personality because of "stress" or my natural personality. I think bullying plays apart, making me rely on my intuition.
Puppet Master
NIPF-"master of puppets"- This type is very adept at creating concord or discord, without appearing involved. Its motives remain inscrutable. Of the INFPs who are mistaken for INTPs, this is the most dangerous.
Anzu, Inanna and the Huluppu Tree
The tree grew thick,
But its bark did not split.
Then a serpent who could not be charmed
Made its nest in the roots of the Huluppu-tree.
The Anzu-bird set his young in the branches of the tree.
And the dark maid Lilith built her home in the trunk...
The serpent, who could not be charmed, loosened the roots,
The serpent, who could not be charmed, from the Huluppu-tree, went forth;
The Anzu-bird cut off the branches,
The Anzu-bird flew with his young to the mountains;
And Lilith smashed her home and bore the tree into the city,
Into the sacred city of Uruk, she carried it.
From the trunk of the tree the sons of Uruk carved a shining throne for Inanna,..
(from the myth of Inanna and the Huluppu Tree)
Anzu (from An "heaven" and Zu "far", in the Sumerian language)
Both Zu and Siris are seen as massive birds who can breathe fire and water, although Zu is alternately seen as a lion-headed eagle (cf: The Griffin, with the body of a lion and the head and wings of an eagle.).
Draaikooi (=Turn Cage)
In those days we did not have to corporal punishment, and if there was a twist this cage was for prostitutes and adulterous women.
The rotation was mostly an iron cage cage, a bench with it, which, by means of a crank could be quickly reversed. The women who were sentenced to the cage were turning on her bench put in the cage, with iron braces for neck, waist and feet put down. Then the car began to spin rapidly. The crowd began to be flooded to dance and sing, and veroordelde was sick and got out of awareness. When we had finished the run was unconscious with a few buckets of rinse water, thrown in a cart, and, under a deafening cheers, and the gate driven out out there in the grass down, getting back out.
Thursday, 21 January 2010
Petrolhead Tanks
Originally Posted by ApeTheDog View Post
Hmm. You usually use your shadow functions. The logical explanation for that, to me, is that because you are in a stressful situation that is caused by behaving the way you usually do, you see no way out but to act in a diametrically oposite way to get out of it again. This should be uniformly true for every MBTI type out there.
To be honest, I can't imagine how SJ's think. If they do at all. It's difficult to think from the starting point of having such thought processes. So what I said probably isn't true, and just a nice coincidence.
It doesn't invalidate the rest of what I said, though. Just that I should leave the neurology to the neurologists.
Under stress I tend to use Extreme Logic. Or metaphorical descriptions, e.g. the ESFJ as an Elephant on an irrational rampage. The adversary cannot be engaged in a rational discussion, cause he will blow his trumpet and charge. These ESFJ are also called Petrolheads.
An example of their behaviour can be found at:
It is not advised to behave in the diametrically opposite way. It would be out of character and I would be at a disadvantage.
SF Terminology Adjustment for the Perseus System
Originally Posted by YHWH
That's a contradiction. nearly all artists are Ns. SFs or SPs tend to be crafty, artisans.
It does look as though I may have to revise my terminology. I was being generous giving them the title of Artist, naturally referring to them as Irrationals SF (cf. Rational NT) or Crazies FS.
art | t | n.1 ME. [(O)Fr. f. L art-, ars, f. a base meaning 'put together, join, fit'.] I Skill. (As a non-count n.) 1 Skill as the result of knowledge and practice.
compose | kmpz | v. LME. [(O)Fr. composer, based on L componere (see COMPOUND v.) but re-formed after L pa. pple compositus and (O)Fr. poser: see POSE v.1] I Put together. 1 v.t. Make by assembling parts; make up, construct. obs. exc. as below. LME. b Fashion, frame.
Excerpted from The Oxford Interactive Encyclopedia
Developed by The Learning Company, Inc. Copyright (c) 1997 TLC Properties
Do you want to go Back to Before they had the War ?
Originally Posted by Perseus
In political terms (Intuition) this is called "dancing to the tune of the orchestra". In perceptions-imagination terms it is the "new picture book".
The latter are called Lizards or Snakes.
After the War, the leaders of the old Orchestra had been replaced. A new Picture Book has been created. All the Guards SJ changed their allegiance to the new owners. Except the Scapegoats (ESFJ var) who were sent to the Wilderness and then became Outlaws.
The new Prefect said he can't get the Guards to adapt to the new ways. And the Artisans SP will not do as they are told. They are revolting.
You can't change the system !
The World according to Ape the Dog
Originally Posted by ApeTheDog
This explains, to me, why INTP's act as SJ's under stress. It shrinks down our abilities to think intuitively because our conscious mind is too busy panicking and trying to force solutions to pressing matters.
My explanation probably makes no sense, but if you want to hear more about this, here's a link to the video (it is an hour long):
Except, I do not think it is true.
e.g. If a SJ and NP are both subjected to identical stress they behave differently. They actually see things differently. e.g. ESFJ v INTP.
However, this is more pronounced opposite with the INTP and ISFP. The see the same things and react differently, usually the opposite ways.
Doctor Who (the Lord with two Hearts)
On reflection, I will introduce Intelligence as Rational NT. The Artists SF are not intelligent and may be despised by intellectuals.
Then somebody might want to introduce the term "emotional intelligence". The Artists ISFP seem to have plenty of that! They can manouevre through a world that is a mystery to me. But without emotional attachment, life has no meaning ?
Data (the Computer) not his brother Lore
Doctor Who (the Lord with two Hearts)
Last Stand
To debate the nature of intelligence needs a different thread. When faced with the cunning (but not intelligent) Dog Soldiers ISTJ of your adversary, the intelligent man says "fainites".
[a. F. intelligence (12th c. in Hatz.-Darm.), ad. L. intelleg-, intelligentia understanding, from intellegent-em INTELLIGENT: see -ENCE.]
1. The faculty of understanding; intellect.
[OE. understondan, -standan (UNDER-1 8a), = OFris. understonda, MDa. understande, MSw. undi(r)standa, OIcel. (as a foreign word) undirstanda. Cf. MLG. understân to understand, to step under, MDu. onderstaen (Du. -staan), MHG. understân, -stên (G. unterstehen), to take upon oneself, to venture, presume, etc. With a different prefix, the same use of stand appears in OE. forstandan, OS. farstandan, OHG. far-, firstantan (firstân), and MHG. verstân, -stên (G. verstehen), MDu. verstaen (Du. -staan).
In the 15th and 16th cents. three forms of the past pple. were current, viz. (a) the original understanden (also -stonden), in use till about 1550; (b) the reduced form of this, understande (-stonde), -stand (-stond), common till about 1575, and surviving into the 17th cent.; (c) the new form understanded (-stonded), very common from about 1530 to 1585. The occurrence of understanded in the Thirty-Nine Articles, xxxv, in the phrase ‘understanded of the people’, has given rise to recent echoes of it, especially in journalistic use. The modern form understood came into use in the latter part of the 16th cent., and was usual by 1600.]
I. trans.
1. To comprehend; to apprehend the meaning
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Inductive Leaps in Practice
The ENTJ Boss instructs the Depty INTJ to prepare the information for the Planning Committee.
The INTJ Deputy intuits the framework and the ISFP Artist composes the information within the parameters.
The information is brought before the Committee who use deductive methods to analyse the information and decide on the best course of action.
Alas, the imaginative Architect PNIT proposes an an alternative scenario/plan, which is called an "inductive leap". This legally deemed "ultra vires" and is rejected as being fantastic. The Architect either morph-shifts (diminishes) to NPIT and works within the current plan or resigns or is dismissed.
Inductive Reasoning
This ice is cold. (Or: All ice I have ever touched has been cold.)
This billiard ball moves when struck with a cue. (Or: Of one hundred billiard balls struck with a cue, all of them moved.) infer general propositions such as:
All ice is cold.
All billiard balls move when struck with a cue.
INDUCTION is the operation of the mind by which we infer that what we know to be true in a particular case or cases will be true in all cases which resemble the former in certain assignable respects. The mere summing up of details in a single proposition is not induction, but colligation; induction always involves inference from the known to the unknown, from facts observed to facts unobserved.
The fundamental principle of induction is the proposition that the course of nature is uniform. The test of any induction is its consistency with inductions which have been found invariable in experience. If an induction conflicts with stronger inductions it must give way. It is the part of the logic of induction to find certain and universal inductions, and to use them as criteria.
At the root of the whole theory of induction is the notion of physical cause. To certain phenomena, certain phenomena always do, and, as we believe, always will, succeed. The invariable antecedent is termed the 'cause,' the invariable consequent, the 'effect.' Upon the universality of this truth depends the possibility of reducing the inductive process to rules.
Invariable sequence, however, seldom subsists between a consequent and one single antecedent; the consequent usually follows from the concurrence of several antecedents. In such a case it is usual to style the cause that antecedent which came last into existence, or whose share in the matter is the most conspicuous, or whose share in the matter is most easily prevented or encouraged. But the real cause is the whole of the antecedents, the whole of the contingencies of every description, which being realized, the consequent invariably follows. Yet even invariable sequence is not synonymous with causation. The sequence, besides being invariable, must be unconditional.
Is Imagination psychologically identical with perception?
Imagination is the faculty of representing to oneself sensible objects independently of an actual impression of those objects on our senses. It is, according to scholastic psychology, one of the four internal senses, distinct, on the one hand, from the sensus intimus, the sensus aestimativus, and the memory, and, on the other hand, distinct from the spiritual intellect. The last distinction is to be specially noted on account of the similarity between the operations of the imagination and certain acts of the intellect. We acquire knowledge of our different faculties only from a study of their operations, and the nature of image is the object of endless controversy. Is it psychologically identical with perception, being differentiated only by lesser intensity? Or, on the contrary, has it a specific nature of its own? It would be hard to say. The problem is very complex and perhaps insoluble.
Life of Perseus
SSS = Symbolic Splattered Shit
The seems to recommend a novel called the "Life of Pi" which seems to be a version when Noah's Ark sinks and the animals are shipwrecked. Fits a little bit in with the Perseus System where Tiger ESTP is the Boss of the Terran Empire and Zeus is a Jovian Wolf ENTJ.
Neptune INTP.
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
Notes on Imagination (INTP Central Thread)
Originally Posted by Chucklebug View Post
Does intuition (Ni and Ne) simply correlate with imagination, or is it something more specific than that? Or does it correlate with the abstract world in general, of which imagination is just one aspect?
Perseus System says Imagination is Inductive Leaps and the mode is Perception. Intuition is liable to diminish Imagination.
Monday, 18 January 2010
Jonah and the Whale
Originally Posted by lonewolf View Post
looks like I'm the only vorarephile here
yay I'm special!!
I might be vorarephobic. I woke up after being swallowed by a Whale!
And here was Jonah slippin' and slidin'
from one side of this great sea mammal to another.
Fear and terror inside.
He couldn't go out the front end and he was afraid to go out the back end.
And all of a sudden he fell down on these great big blubbery rugs
and a piteous sound came from Jonah.
He said, "Lord! Lord! Can you dig me in this here fish?"
And The Lord said, "I got you covered, Jonah."
And Jonah say (laughing), say, "Lord's sure got a crazy sense of humour!
Maybe that's the reason I dig the cat so much! Tells me he got me covered.
He's got me surrounded!"
And The Great Lord said, "Jonah! Reach in your water-tight pocketbook
and take from there some of the cigarettes you got from the great tree.
And courage will return to you!"
And Jonah did.
Lord Buckley's "Jonah and the Whale"
"It ain't cool at all! We in the shallow water!"
Jonah say, "That's all I want to know."
And, phallam!, he hit the whale's big sneezin' meter and,
blew him out on the cool groovy sweet sands of serenity.
* What is knowledge?
* How is knowledge acquired?
* What do people know?
* How do we know what we know?
Much of the debate in this field has focused on analyzing the nature of knowledge and how it relates to similar notions such as truth, belief, and justification. It also deals with the means of production of knowledge, as well as skepticism about different knowledge claims.
Will you please Crawl out yer Window? Hi.
My two best friends, one I have had for over 10 years, the other for 5 years, are text book INTPs. I can honestly say, I do not see any flaws in them that piss me off; I find the only thing that bothers me has more to do with the difference between me being an extravert, and their introvertedness. I sometimes get annoyed at my perceived notion of their "lack of balls" on occasion, and I have had to be a go between more often that I would like. I do get impatient having to wait for them to think things over and all that fence sitting, ugh, but that I also think is more about introversion vs extraversion. I personally find INTPs fascinating, extremely funny, and yes, deliciously sexy. But the thing is, when they do get a bit big in the britches, (ie intellectually arrogant), I merely say to them "You are such an ass". One "hmmphs" at me, the other says "Shaddup f*cker". Both responses make me laugh and I have to pour on the love, with which they reply with more mock annoyance; the twinkle in their eyes and those cheeky grins give it a way. I trust them both with my life, and I would take a bullet for either of them. They are both my 3am phone call as I am there's. Solid as rocks and honest to a fault; they are the closest thing to a real Knight In Shining Armor. So yeah, <3> |
We might very well be sitting on the fence. We all know what happened to Humpty Dumpty:
Riddle of Humpty Dumpty
He got unwell.
We have to go E down at the watering holes, when we transform from an Eagle to a Snake and we can easily get run over. I am a Turtle with a broken shell.
So it is really a mistake to say we are sitting on a fence like a Cat ISFP or Butterfly ESFP.
Down at the Watering Holes we are vulnerable to all the four-legged foes and we can get chased by a pack of Dogs ISTJ Under orders from the Wolf ENTJ), or stampeded by Bulls ESFJ and Horses ESFJ, predated upon by Big Cats ESTP. If we snap we are in Alligator ENTP mode. Even a Jaguar ESTP can bit through a Turtle shell (XNTP). Crocodiles ENTP have a stand-off with Lions ESTP.
Clinical Depression ENFP
Stage One: ENFP will start feeling a bit lonely and disconnected. They will think it's just a stage that will pass, and will try to ignore it.
Stage Two: The ENFP will start feeling even more lonely, this can usually be brought about by having a hard time with family or feeling like they are insecure in their relationships in general. Stage One increases, and the ENFP will start feeling anxious.
Stage Three: The ENFP's feeling of anxiousness will become overbearing, and they may feel extremely insecure when talking to other people. They lose the quick wit and charm they used to have. The smile will because more nervous and the laugh will become less natural. They will still be trying to convince themselves it;s just a stage that they are going through and that nothing is wrong.
Stage Four: ENFP will most likely hit shut down mode. They will not talk to other people about their feelings or what is going on unless asked specific, prying questions. They will have a really hard time talking to people and feeling like they can relate. They will start coming across as an introvert.
Stage Five: The ENFP will be extremely stressed, lonely, and emotional. May start bursting out randomly and be extremely moody. Will experience periods of highs and lows. The ENFP may start crying over something seemingly insignificant. They will do this because there is so much bottled feelings up inside and that may have been the last thing to set them off edge.
Stage Six: The ENFP will start lashing out at other people like above, but more extremely. Will most likely show complete and utter disregard for authority. They will also start hurting the people they care about, to make them back off and go away. All the while the ENFP, through the stages, will try to convince themselves that nothing is wrong and that they will get better, and thus the problem worsens.
Stage Seven: They will finally admit to themselves that there is a problem but try consciously to contradict it. They will try to force themselves to relax and be wonderful again. They will try to establish the facts- what the problems is, how it went wrong, and what to do.
Stage Eight: If it gets worse at this point, the ENFP will not be acting like themselves at all. They will not be thinking clearly, and will most likely suffer from being illogical, irrational, and as well may suffer from extremely headaches. They will give up on caring and will not pay attention to the world around them, instead focusing all of their energy into their inner world of what they feel and dwell on it. They will no longer have any motivation to care or do the things they love.
Stage Nine: Your ENFP will start enjoying dark humor ad freaking other people out for the hell of it, especially the people they care about. However, at this stage they will not do this too extremely to the people they care about because their is that small piece of the ENFP that wants to hold the relationship in tact. They will push you away and drag you back in, and become and emotional roller coaster for anyone and everyone around them. If you ask what is wrong, the ENFP will completely shoot you down unless it is in a structured environment and they think that you are somebody that they can trust. However at this point the ENFP will become extremely untrusting, so talking to them about anything is much like walking on fragile glass about to fall apart and break forever. The ENFP will hold grudges.
Stage Ten: Complete personality turnaround, the ENFP will have lost it, or will have appeared to. Complete emotional instability and recklessness. They will be completely and utterly impulsive to the point of stupidity. They will not care about their well being or anybody else's. At this point, the ENFP will be so far in their heads it will be nearly impossible to get through to them unless you sink to his or her own level of insanity and instability. They will have given up on life altogether, and will most likely have forgotten what it was like to really feel alive and well again.
IQ Tests
People with IQ's of 90-110 generally occupy semi-skilled positions, including typists, receptionists, assembly line workers, and checkout clerks. They are able to keep up with the world, and comprise about 46% of the public.
People with IQ's in the 110 to 120 range fill the skilled trades and include some tool and die makers, teachers, and Ph. D.'s among their ranks. They also make up 16% of the population.
People with IQ's of 120 and above tend to staff the professions as doctors, dentists, lawyers, teachers, and college professors. They fall in the upper 10% of the population.
Definition of IQ
My 122/126 IQ fits a 7/12 T rating.
My experience = Perception says that the IQ test is a very good guide when recruiting employees. Better than realms of qualifications.
Personality factors come into play. I am excellent (ceiling level) on vocabulary, just above average on arithmetic, but below average on non-fluid reasoning. As an eployer I would like to sub-group the scores. A mechanical engineer(IXTP) may have different skills from a legal writer (INTP)
Sunday, 17 January 2010
Mental Filter
Thursday, 14 January 2010
John Stuart Mill
Ghosts in the Personality
If you want to limit all of your social interactions and/or relationships to just those who fit based on a predetermined (not to mention empirically unproven) theory of compatibility, that is certainly your prerogative. I am simply offering a different perspective. I am not sure if your regarding my analysis as being "contemporary" is intended to be a criticism or not, but clearly my perspective is much older and therefore has far more analysis and evidence of success to back up my claims. ENFPs are free to use your less "contemporary", "bigger picture", (whatever that is supposed to mean), unproven approach, or if they want successful relationships (not to mention freedom of choice) they can use the proven perspective I have suggested. There is a market for everyone's ideas and preferences. |
N depends on the context. Intuition in the Thieves Kitchen is different from the Community Project. Intuition for the Druids (Conservatives), Romans (Labour) and Saxons (Liberal) is all based on a different social system. Contemporary in England, UK, is marriage, property rights, ownership. I think the Native Americans had a different outlook.
I am Liberal to a degree.
More to the point, I have tried the first method and for me with a high P, it had shortcomings and did not prove sufficient detailed. I thought that your perspective would work, but this ignored rather fixed cognitive processes which are so far ingrained in the personality that very few people seem to overcome them. They tend to mask their underlying world view and act out a part in a play. In this way their personality type is hidden until you know the person better. Not only that there are ghosts in the machine (existential personality).
"Oh you can't miss him Mrs. Chumley. He's a Pooka"
"A Pooka? Is that something new?
"No no, as I understand it that's something very old"
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
Sunday, 10 January 2010
Modern Animism World
The World of Modern Personality Types:>
ENFJ: "Teacher" = BEAVER 5% Educating [Givers]Family life and charismatic, but can dam up and block the flow. Busy.> Natural builders: tamed by giving them something constructive.
ENFP: "Journalist" = FERRET 3% Motivating (Champion) [Inspirors]Enthusiastic hunter and ferreter out of information.> Need a long leash and liable to go native.
ENTJ: "Field Marshall" = WOLF 5% Mobilizing [Executives]Found in packs with one top dog who must be obeyed or defeated in battle.> Has to be the Boss.
ENTP: "Inventor" = SNAKE 2% Devising [Visionaries]Alien system and cannot hear the words, only feel the vibrations. Can be isolated.> Pretends to dance to the tune, but essentially wild. Liable to be run over and destroyed.
ESFJ: "Seller" = HORSE 13% Supplying (Provider) [Care Givers]Wild horses are terrifying, but they can be tamed and ridden.> Has to be tamed and ridden often and subdued by a martingale.
ESFP: "Entertainer" = BUTTERFLY 13% Demonstrating (Performer)Males are often more colourful. Lots of caterpillar style practice and shine briefly.> Natural socialite.
ESTJ: "Administrator" = BULL 13% Enforcing [Guardians]The Ox pulls the plough on behalf of the bosses. The herd can stampede and crush other animals.> Milked often.
ESTP: "Promoter" = LION or TIGER 13% Persuading [Doers]Ferocious predator, but not usually malicious. Ruthlessness can cause the same damage though.> Not really tamable without a whip.
INFJ: "Author" = SKYLARK 1% Guiding (Counselor)Very complicated singing the tune.> Can be caught and put in a cage.
INFP: "Questor = BIRD OF PARADISE 1.25% (Males 0.6%) Conciliating (Healer) Elaborate mating rituals and sometimes goes on flights. > Can be caught and put in a cage.
INTJ: "Scientist" = HAWK 1% Entailing (part of Arranging)(Mastermind)Penetrating eyesight with talons.> On a long leash.
INTP: "Architect" = EAGLE 1% Designing High flier in the clouds with talons.> On an even longer leash. May be caged (Phoenix)
ISFJ: "Conservator" = MOUSE 6% Securing (Protector) [Nurturers]Follows the same old trails (rule book) and can contaminate, but nice and cute if clean.> Intimidation will tame the mouse. All ways.
ISFP: "Artist" = CAT 5% Synthesizing (part of Composing)Goes where she enjoys best advantage. Independent and unfaithful if neglected.> Essentially wild, but can be tamed by creature comforts.
ISTJ: "Trustee" = DOG 6% Certifying [Duty Fillers]Pack animal tamed by his Master. Varied types.> Easy and necessary.
ISTP: "Craftsman" = BEAR 5% Instrumenting [Mechanics]{Artisan}If they are good the Bears will go to the picnic. Big and unstoppable if they want something. > Can dance to the tune with the use of force.
Friday, 8 January 2010
Do you want to see my Pooka?
I'll show you mine if you show me yours! Don't tell Mister Wilson.
Thursday, 7 January 2010
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fragment of an inscription of Urukagina; it reads as follows: "He [Uruinimgina] dug (…) the canal to the town-of-NINA. At its beginning, he built the Eninnu; at its ending, he built the Esiraran." (Musée du Louvre) |
Urukagina (reigned ca. 2380 BC–2360 BC, short chronology), alternately rendered as Uruinimgina or Irikagina, was a ruler (énsi) of the city-state Lagash in Mesopotamia. He is best known for his reforms to combat corruption, which are sometimes cited as the first example of a legal code in recorded history. Although the actual text has not been discovered yet, much of its content may be surmised from other references to it that have been found. In it, he exempted widows and orphans from taxes; compelled the city to pay funeral expenses (including the ritual food and drink libations for the journey of the dead into the lower world); and decreed that the rich must use silver when purchasing from the poor, and if the poor does not wish to sell, the powerful man (the rich man or the priest) cannot force him to do so.[1]
Urukagina's code is perhaps the first recorded example of government reform, seeking to achieve a higher level of freedom and equality. It limited the power of the priesthood and large property owners and took measures against usury, burdensome controls, hunger, theft, murder, and seizure (of people's property and persons); as he states, "The widow and the orphan were no longer at the mercy of the powerful man". He is also said to have abolished the former custom of polyandry in his country, on pain of the woman taking multiple husbands being stoned with rocks upon which her crime is written
Ferrets ENFP
Outlaw Blues
They may always be Outlaws.
Sunday, 3 January 2010
Hawkhurst Gang
The Perseus System has INTJs as Hawks and Owls. The Owl version of the INTJ is in conflict with the Eagle INTP version. I am probably Condor (the nearest English equivalent is Sea Eagle) so Owls do not phase me normally, although Owlers have been known to disturb me extremely badly.
Owls will introduce a new premise into the equation for their own gratification.
Saturday, 2 January 2010
Confrontation with Bullies
Friday, 1 January 2010
Great Bear Cafe
NIFP-"guilt trip"- Much like the NIPF, but with a strong sense of right and wrong, this subtype can always intuit the motives of others. NFIP-"journey of shame"-This subtype is like a more extraverted "guilt trip", and uses this power to make large groups of people feel bad. FPNI-"care bear"- A less refined version of the "fursuit," this type tries to craft novel emotional solutions for each separate relationship. |
If you are good, you will get invited to the picnic.