Monday 10 November 2008

Chapter 19: Highway Blues

Highway Blues
But think about how you’d feel if you were avoiding a near-accident every few minutes. Your body doesn’t have time to recover. That’s exactly what happens when you are dealing with a workplace bully. Never knowing when the bully will attack, your body is in a state of constant readiness, your “fight or flight” reactions are activated, and your body is experiencing continuous wear and tear.

I feel like I am cycling at a diagonal across a busy motorway, when the drivers mostly don't care, and ones that do care inadvertently catch me in their draught by coming too close, and just as many are out to deliberately kill me. So I have no room for mistakes.
Moreover, I am not sure of my destination, just exhausted trying to keep alive. And then the auction candle drops and all bets are off like a nuclear explosion.
I can't return home because it is not yet burned but a disaster zone, and I am not sure what is on the other side.

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