How do you deal with work-related stress? Each personality type has different stressors and copes in different ways. Better understanding of your own stressors and coping mechanisms can help you reduce the tension and anxiety work stress often creates.
When stressed, Guardians usually report being sick, tired, sad, or worried.
Since Artisans are usually optimistic and like taking risks, it takes a lot to get them stressed. But if they become severely stressed, Artisans can act out against others or themselves.
Idealists tend to work for a better future for all, so if things keep going badly and they lose hope, they become stressed. When Idealists experience great stress, they can have muscle or sensory problems.
Rationals search for knowledge, competence, and eternal truths. If these needs are blocked, they become stressed. When Rationals experience great stress, they experience thoughts that tell them either that they must act or think in a particular way or that they must not act or think in a particular way. The outside observer sees the Rational as driven by compulsions or prohibitions.
Here are links to articles on each of the temperaments, and how each of the types experiences, and is able to deal with, work-related stress.
Guardians: Bearing Up
Artisans: Acting Out
Idealists: Out of Balance
Rationals: Appearing Compulsive
Monday, 30 November 2009
Crippled Inside
Another Story Line: Adventures of Lilith
Riddle of Humpty Dumpty
- Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
- Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
- All the king's horses,
- And all the king's men,
- Couldn't put Humpty together again
In the middle of the night, the answer to the riddle became clear. It was silly to overlook the obvious for so long!
What do you think the answer is?
Madelaine: What a Naughty Teacher!
This shameful liaison does not deserve prison | Barbara Ellen | Comment is free | The Observer
I am not so sure that the article represents the contemporary view. The Observer is middle-class, probably Liberal-Democrat in the purple on the Political Compass. So it was designed for their readers.
Any comments?
There are always exceptions, but surely one of the essential differences between the teenage sexes lies in the onset and manifestation of sexuality. Which is a posh way of saying that teenage boys mainly want sex, while teenage girls mainly want attention. Likewise, while teenage boys are usually sexually driven, teenage girls tend to be validation-driven.
My view was it was only the Scullery Boys and Pony girls (ESFJ) that are sex mad and that the girls are slightly (60-40) worse/better than the boys. In other words, the writer is completely wrong with her facts.
Saturday, 28 November 2009
Sex Lexis
We will always be together in Electric Dreams
Stand her on her head, the keys will fall out
Friday, 27 November 2009
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Wet, Wet, Wet
Short and to the point: What would you think of a guy (or a girl, w/e) who tells you he likes you in writing, but stays there while you read the letter? |
It is an invitation to treat like a Christmas Card. It is pre-scan (observation), pre-orientation, pre-decision, and pre-action. Don't take any notice of the stupid Hawks INTJ. They are just imitating the Boss ENTJ.
PS: I did this once. She (ESTJ) replied back and I got my evidence of bullying and then she phoned the Police. It was unwanted.
This is not the best policy. What is best is to lead him out to the garden and squirt him with a "high pressure" hose pipe of water until he is soaking wet and has to take off all his clothes.
Monday, 23 November 2009
Love Bird in Trouble Again
Perseus (Official Identity Card if the Druids throw the Romans out)
I actually arrived in a Shooting Star meteor storm from the constellation Perseus in the last quarter of the year. It was written in the stars that Perseus killed Medusa the Gorgon and later rescued and married Andromeda. Therefore, I am a Greek, not a Druid at all. Sorry.
However, in the dreamtime (modern animism) I am a Golden Eagle (INTP) morph-shifting to Phoenix (XNXP) from Neptune but I am quite an adept shape-shifter when my energy levels are OK to my earlier Dragon (INFP), probably a Marzipan type) incarnation (living at Thundersbarrow) and to Snakes (ENTP) to spook the Horsemen or Atrebates (ESFJ). Altogether as a Psychedelic personality type (NP), I am not fond of the Guards (SJ) and the Crazies (SF).
This is probably more Druid style, but I am not trained in the ancient religion.
My most accurate (first) reading on the Paragon scale (1-12) was
Introvert 8
Intuitive 10
Thinker 7
Perception 11
My Apotropaic is a large green plastic Turtle (XNTP).
Perseus has not adopted a Tolkien style D & D character, but in my previous incarnation as Glaucus (the fishermen changed into a God after eating a magic herb) I was probably a Nereid Elf.
My Political Compass position is in the Green.
cf. UK Political
I reside in the land conquered by the South Saxons, but my heritage is Cantium (Roman spelling). My DNA has not been tested but I suspect I am second wave (Ukrainian refuge). Possibly descended from German immigrants but with Bryonthic stock.
A third party might punch our lights out!
When the Centre is Lost
Dealing With Stress From Work
by kipparent on Thu Jan 15, 2009 10:54 am
Sunday, 22 November 2009
Outlaw Blues
Dialogue: Insurance Man
he got into awful trouble with Legal & General.
Saturday, 21 November 2009
Hobbits are near enough Rabbits, and Rabbits are ISFJ but not so Introverted as Mice or Hamsters and not so Thinking as Rats. Their shadow Devil eighth process would be the opposite as a Snake ENTP, which is how Tolkein preaches the nature of Evil and the sneaky portrayal is malign.
Reasonable Person
Flying Lizards
Friday, 20 November 2009
Folk Psychology
Ferret : can she transform?
I've decided I'm tired of being an ENFP. I would like to go "I" for awhile because I don't want to be around people and attract the wrong types anymore. I would also like to be a hardcore "T" as well because I'm tired of feeling and caring. Oh yeah, and I'd like a good dose of some "J" so I can implement this all into action.... |
A wise move. Go into hiding and transform yourself into a Bird, a Hawk type. You could fly very high like an Eagle (INTP) and be unreachable, or make a brief appearance as a Sparrowhawk (INTJ) and be very fierce towards Pigeons (INXJ) when they give you the message that the local Stallion (ESFJ) wants to see you.
"I am only the messenger don't tear a strip off me," the Pigeon complained.
So next time, there came a Mouse (ISFJ). The Eagle did not even see him arrive. The Dog's (ISTJ) plans went awry.
Thursday, 19 November 2009
Best Job Matches
Monday, 16 November 2009
How is the lectern decorated in your church ?

Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): flak·i·er; flak·i·est
Etymology: flake
Date: circa 1963
: markedly odd or unconventional : offbeat, wacky
Not used very often. Perseus argot refer the flakiness to a temporary nature of the NP Questor mode. This is especially true of PN Psychedelics, as information is adsorbed to the manifesto. Some information may be flaky (snowflakes) and is later rejected. There is information processing time.
Alas the malign influences of the Cats (ISFP) may be working to undermine NFPs who work on Feeling rather than Thinking.
Do you think SJ and SP are good classifications? Or do you prefer its ST and SF? I'm asking this coz I find that its hard for me to relate with most SF than ST. Is it just me, or anybody think the same way? Thoughts, anyone? |
The Keirsey System has SJ Helpmate and SP Playmate.
I have only just thought of this, SF must be Artmate and ST Rulesmate, for want of better terms. ST altogether as bureaucrats following the rules decided by the lawmakers. A coterie of Artists, Witches and Composers/Musicians.
STJ will only help people who do as they are told. SFJ will only help people if they get a reward.
Beware the High Priest may actually be the Controller defaming the Person because they do not follow the Creed
Sunday, 15 November 2009
Eagle or Condor (INTP) and Hawk (INTJ)
The problem here is Perseus posts from his perspective. Add his language comes out very choppy, not fluid....he can sound like an ass. I dont think he means to though, I think he is so intune to his own perspective he doesnt take into consideration others perception of him and his words. He is trying to be helpful, just in a manner that we have to decipher. |
Communication is possible between INTP and INTJ because both are rational. However, there is always differences of opinion over the facts. INTJ are Scientists whereas an INTP is a Legal Eagle or Philosopher (Condor). The INTP may see a bigger picture. In practice the INTP, the intuition of the Condor type may take second fiddle to the truth. This is usually because of the ST dictates (Guard Dogs ISTJ) as an agency of the ENTJ Political Boss (Sheriff of Nottingham). Ass is an ESFJ variant (the opposite of an INTP). Variant FJES. Feeling influences Judgement and Execution predates Common Sense.
Saturday, 14 November 2009
Wheel of Emotions
The Family as the first cell of the Fascist Society
Marching to the Sound of Different Drummers
I know one ESFJ who is occasionally capable, but he is not then acting true to his character. I can join in but I am not in their heirarchy.
A Snake ENTP cannot even hear the drums, can just feel their vibrations. The world is a Picture Book.
Friday, 13 November 2009
Emotional Mindguards
Thursday, 12 November 2009
Dialogue: The Eagle flies above the Hawk and has a greater field of view
As they will not understand this, I will have to explain. Unlike Ps of all sorts, the Js make an early judgement based on the information available. But they are poor critics and not very imaginative so their logical deductions are made on book knowledge (dogmatic ISTJ regression), inadequate science, Chinese Whispers, taking things out of context, sources from Guardian SJ recommended (=vested interests), thinking their way into theories and missing the original sin ......
The Eagle flies above the Hawk and has a greater field of view.
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Dialogue: Twisted lies of the Cat ISFP People
Hey, Sister
I don't know but many girls think that all what guys mostly want from them is sex not Friendship, Well, One of my relatives thinks that too, she doesn't even believe in friendship between guys and girls, she says if a guy befriended a girl or wanted to get closer to her he only wants to get into her pants, but , honestly who believe in this ? so then my best friend want to have sex with me too ? hell no !!!! of course he doesn't !! , I knew him for more than 5 years , and we're great close friends and every day we know something new about each other, he's caring, truthful and nice to everyone he knows not just to me, he would never think like that , not just my best friend ,my other guy friends too, they treat me as if I were their sister, they help me out when I'm facing a problem, they stand by my side when I need support, they represent a very important part in my life, I don't think all the guys think the same way,.. not that disgusting way ... |
Sunday, 8 November 2009
Lilith ESFP
Seven Ages of Man
Political Compass Notes

Friday, 6 November 2009
Lawyers and Tarts
Thursday, 5 November 2009
Main Other Animals
Only Bears (ISTP) play Hide & Seek in the Woods
The 'secret schizoid'
According to Ralph Klein[26] there are many fundamentally schizoid individuals who present with an engaging, interactive personality style which contradicts the timidity, reluctance, or avoidance of the external world and interpersonal relationships as emphasized by the DSM-IV and ICD-10 definitions of the schizoid personality. Klein classifies these individuals as secret schizoids[26] who present themselves as socially available, interested, engaged, and involved in interacting in the eyes of the observer, while at the same time, he or she is apart, emotionally withdrawn, and sequestered in a safe place in his or her own internal world. So, while withdrawnness or detachment from the outer world is a characteristic feature of schizoid pathology, it is sometimes overt and sometimes covert. While it is overt it matches the usual description of the schizoid personality offered in the DSM-IV. According to Klein, though, it is "just as often" a covert, hidden internal state of the patient in which what meets the objective eye may not be what is present in the subjective, internal world of the patient. Klein therefore cautions that one should not miss identifying the schizoid patient because one cannot see the patient’s withdrawnness through the patient’s defensive, compensatory, engaging interaction with external reality. Klein suggests that one need only ask the patient what his or her subjective experience is in order to detect the presence of the schizoid refusal of emotional intimacy.
This is an ingenious TP at work making up complicated theories to explain someting basic and simple that the Secret NP has not found a home where he feels happy at.
Do you want to play around with the "common people" ?
Stuck-up and aloof. What makes her think she is better than us. She needs a good hiding.
She is hiding. Hiding in her internal world. Hiding from bullies (ESTJ) like you!