Tuesday 12 May 2009

Who is the Postman ?

These are the Messenger Gods. The Perseus system seem to differ from the Roman and Greek wisdom. This is a discrepancy I will have to sort out. Their messenger seems to be the ESFJ, but this may be a political decision.

The Messengers are the Teacher ENFJ, the Pigeon INXJ, sometimes the Skylark INFJ, and can be the other types like the Hawk INTJ (deputy to the Wolf ENTJ). The messengers do not think the script. They just write it out.

In a democracy the Gods are elected. The Whip Hand is there to ensure the proleteriat obeys. You have to take the whip to ensure you get your cake. But sometimes you get whipped and there isn't any cake, or your share is too small for your needs.

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