Wednesday 6 August 2008

Captain Swing Employment Policies Plan (UK 2008)

Captain Swing Employment Policies Plan (UK 2008)

"M'Lord, the plebs have been revolting again."
"Call in the Guards, hang the ringleaders and send the rest off to the colonies."
"Can't do sir, this is the twenty first century."
"Well what do they want?"
"They want the land back that your grandpa stole from them."
"It is for the greater good, our capital investment is producing dividends."
"They don't see that way M'Lord. They see your galavanting around in your helicopters with your wife in fancy dress ..."
"Let them get a job."
"All the good jobs have been given to your useless nephews because they were playing with firelighters."
"Well let the plebs pick up the trash!"

James Purnell

1 comment:

Perseus said...

Sir, Your name is down amongst the Black hearts in the Black Book and this is to advise you and the like of you, who are Parson Justasses, to make your wills. Ye have been the Blackguard Enemies of the People on all occasions, Ye have not yet done as ye ought,.... Swing

Sir, This is to acquaint you that if your thrashing machines are not destroyed by you directly we shall commence our labours. Signed on behalf of the whole ... Swing

this is to inform you what you have to undergo Gentlemen if providing you Don't pull down your mashines and rise the poor men's wages the married men give tow and six pence a day a day the single tow shillings or we will burn down your barns and you in them. this is the last notis from .... (illegible)