Thursday, 21 January 2010

SF Terminology Adjustment for the Perseus System

Originally Posted by YHWH

That's a contradiction. nearly all artists are Ns. SFs or SPs tend to be crafty, artisans.

It does look as though I may have to revise my terminology. I was being generous giving them the title of Artist, naturally referring to them as Irrationals SF (cf. Rational NT) or Crazies FS.

art | t | n.1 ME. [(O)Fr. f. L art-, ars, f. a base meaning 'put together, join, fit'.] I Skill. (As a non-count n.) 1 Skill as the result of knowledge and practice.

compose | kmpz | v. LME. [(O)Fr. composer, based on L componere (see COMPOUND v.) but re-formed after L pa. pple compositus and (O)Fr. poser: see POSE v.1] I Put together. 1 v.t. Make by assembling parts; make up, construct. obs. exc. as below. LME. b Fashion, frame.

Excerpted from The Oxford Interactive Encyclopedia
Developed by The Learning Company, Inc. Copyright (c) 1997 TLC Properties


Perseus said...

SF also known as Piss Artists or Posers !

Anonymous said...

BS. ISFP and ISTP are very likely to be artists. This is especially true for rock musicians and visual artists. But writers are usually NF. NTs can be photographers or movie directors, but almost never musicians because of zero charisma.

Learn to distinguish between SJ and SP. SJs are almost never creative types. If they are interested in the arts, they gravitate towards administration roles like curator or A&R man. Or they count up the money a film made at the box office. :P They have Si plus an outward directed judging function. It's hard to make art out of that.

SPs are just as creative as most N's. N's get lost in indecision and too much reading. There is more to being an artist than having an imagination and being good at school. SPs have a lot of drive and try a lot of things. They live a lot and this translates into good art. Also, they are very physical and co-ordinated, and a lot of arts demand that. Writing is the exception; that's why N's who are clumsy gravitate to it.

Perseus said...

I agree. I get along neighbourly with SPs but I have difficulty with SJs.