Thursday, 13 November 2008

Poison & Venom

poison pz()n n., a., & adv. ME. [OFr. puison, (also mod.) poison (in OFr. = magic potion) f. L potio(n-) POTION.] A n. 1 A medicinal draught, a potion, esp. one prepared with a harmful drug or ingredient; an ingredient of a potion etc. Long obs. exc. as below. ME. 2 Matter which causes death or injury when introduced into or absorbed by a living organism, irrespective of mechanical means or direct thermal changes, esp. when able to kill by rapid action and when taken in a small quantity; a particular substance of this kind. ME. b Alcoholic liquor; an alcoholic drink. colloq. (orig. US). E19. 3 fig. a A doctrine, influence, etc., considered to be harmful to character, morality, or public order. Also, something which is detested. ME. b An undesirable or detested person or persons. E20. 4 a Chem. A substance which destroys or reduces the activity of a catalyst. E20. b A fission product, impurity, or additive in a nuclear reactor which interacts with neutrons and thus slows the intended reaction. M20.

e.g. the pharmaceuticals dispensed by the Psi Cops.

venom venm n., a., & v. ME. [(O)Fr. venim, venin, f. Proto-Romance alt. (after L wds in -imen) of L venenum potion, drug, poison. For the change of final n to m cf. pilgrim.] A n. 1 A poisonous fluid secreted by certain snakes, spiders, scorpions, etc. and usu. injected by them into other animals by means of a bite or sting. ME. 2 Poison, esp. as administered to or drunk by a person; any poisonous or noxious substance, preparation, or property; a microbial toxin. Now rare or obs. ME. 3 fig. Malignant or malicious character or quality; virulent feeling, language, behaviour, etc.; malice, spite. Also, an instance of this. ME. b A malicious or spiteful person or animal. obs. exc. Sc. & dial. L16. 4 A (type of) poison or toxin. LME. 5 A dye. rare. LME-M16.
3 V. NABOKOV The thick venom of envy began squirting at me.

In Modern Animism (Phoenix version), poison is spread by contamination by Mice (ISFJ) and Rats (ISXJ). Venom is injected mainly by Snakes (ENTP) and their targets are usually the afromentioned Rodents by active predation, but any other animal defensively if they get in each other's way, but the animal most often spooked is the Horse (ESFJ). Dogs (ISTJ) get bitten, if they are too adventurous.

1 comment:

Perseus said...

Snakes (ENTP) are deaf and will not hear suggestions, although they will feel vibrations.