Tuesday 4 November 2008

Logic Emphasised to an Extreme

Logic Emphasised to an Extreme

Effective dominant extraverted feeling types are quite comfortable making decisions that are nonlogical. Introverted thinking types in the grip of interior extraverted feeling may be compassionately insistent on the application of logic, becoming quite emotional about their approach. As an extension of the loss of control over the thinking function, the introverted thinker begins to engage in excessively logical, unproductive thinking. There may be an obsessive quality to this thinking. One ISTP feels compelled to "prove" the accuracy of his
perception of things. An INTP said, “lf a problem comes up that I’m unable to resolve, I work at it anyway and can’t let go of it, even if l know cannot solve it, convinced that he or she is unloved and ultimately unlovable.

Other introverted thinkers report becoming less articulate, speaking their childhood feeling of being extremely different from other children, rapidly and disjointedly, obsessively trying to solve the insoluble, using marching to a different and unacceptable drummer. often with no clue
sharp, clear, but “paranoid” logic. They may find that they forget things, about how others see things. The memory of childhood misery and misplace objects, and engage in futile projects that don’t accomplish helplessness may intensify the adult’s inferior function experience.

Quenk “Beside Ourselves” page 113

Further text at:


Hypersensitivity in Relationships



Perseus said...

A lot of this is the Judgement versus Perception disputes. Dwarves versus Elves in some folk literature (D & D). Both are good folk, but they see things differently.

The Judge decides that the Logic is Extreme: It is not a futile project, but authentic.
Hypersentivity: I never really said I would get off the train at your station.
Emotionalism: If you would just slow down, be a bit more light hearted and not so heavy, I can understand my feelings.

The Wolfman (ENTJ) Chief Manager Psi Corps thinks the Millon Spinning Top is reality, the Phoenix (XNXP) is sure that it is an illusion. The Horsemen (ESFJ) think the musical charades are real when they are only superficial.

Perseus said...

Marching to a different and unacceptable drummer, often with no clue:

No instinct for the Teddy Bear's Picnic or the Ceremonies of the Horsemen, but maybe better at Space Travel.

The Eagle (INTP) can soar over the Horse (ESFJ) plains but is at a disadvantage when he lands. The Sparrowhawk (INTJ) can chase the young Bears (ISTP) in the woods, but they may be overbearing when actually caught.