Wednesday, 10 December 2008

British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy

British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy

Explanation of theoretical approaches
Both counsellors and psychotherapists work from a variety of theoretical approaches with their clients. These therapies range from the type of psychoanalysis, originally practised by Sigmund Freud and later developed into other forms of analytic psychotherapy by his pupils, through humanistic psychotherapy (based on personal growth and self development) to the behavioural therapies used for dealing with specific phobias and anxieties.

The following web page has an alphabetical list of commonly used theoretical approaches with brief descriptions of their meanings

My Modern Animism system which is very like the Myers-Briggs system is Jungian and that is not on the list.

The Millon Map is nearest to the Existential, which I see the Millon Map (Spinning Top) as an overlay program.

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