Wednesday 28 December 2011


c.1200, "quality of being patient in suffering," from O.Fr. pacience, from L. patientia "patience, endurance," from patientem (nom. patiens), prp. of pati "to suffer, endure," from PIE base *pei- "to damage, injure, hurt" (see passion).
Patience n. A minor form of despair, disguised as a virtue. [Ambrose Bierce, "Devil's Dictionary," 1911]
Meaning "constancy in effort" is attested from 1510s. Meaning "card game for one person" is from 1816.


Anonymous said...

Patience, "a minor form of despair disguised as a virtue."
I do not know whether to agree or disagree. True, a waiting attitude is beneficial yet a patient attitude generally implies slight disappointment. But that is implication of a subjective nature. You can be patient without being despairing at all. Enjoy your wait.
I found these definitions fascinating.

Perseus said...

Good post. I have got the "lurgy". I am a patient (really and it is horrid).