Sunday, 22 December 2013

Coping Skills (Wiki)

The term coping generally refers to adaptive or constructive coping strategies, i.e., the strategies reduce stress levels. However, some coping strategies can be considered maladaptive, i.e., stress levels increase. Maladaptive coping can thus be described, in effect, as non-coping. Furthermore, the term coping generally refers to reactive coping, i.e., the coping response follows the stressor. This contrasts with proactive coping, in which a coping response aims to head off a future stressor.
Coping responses are partly controlled by personality (habitual traits), but also partly by the social context, particularly the nature of the stressful environment.

Friday, 20 December 2013


Specific ethics of respect are of fundamental importance to various cultures. Respect for tradition and legitimate authority is identified by Jonathan Haidt, a professor at the New York University Stern School of Business, as one of five fundamental moral values shared to a greater or lesser degree by different societies and individuals.

Respect can be both given and/or received. Depending on an individual's cultural reference frame, respect can be something that is earned. Respect is often thought of as earned or built over time.

Thursday, 19 December 2013


% Four Types

Guardian 46%
Artisan 22%
Rational 15%
Idealist 17%

Extrovert 47% vs. Introvert 53%
Sensing 74% vs. INtuitive 26%
Thinking 47% vs. Feeling 53%
Judging 54% vs. Perceiving 46%

Men and Women are basically the same for all categories except for Thinking-Feeling which is 2 to 1

Note: The four temperaments are

SJ = 46% Melancholic (almost half!)
SP = 22% Sanguine
NF = 17% Phlegmatic
NT = 15% Choleric

































My experience:

My experience of TOTAL POPULATION:; INTJ: 11% INTP: 3% Extreme INTP: 1.5% ENTJ: 0.8% ENTP: 0.2%. I stress my experience in England, UK. I do not mix with many high fliers and I did not go to Grammar School. Most INTP and other Rationals would have done.

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Careers Link

Suggested Careers for Myers-Briggs Type
The following list is made up of recommended careers. This list is not a list of the "only jobs you can do", but simply a guide to which career utilizes the natural talents of each type.

Monday, 2 December 2013

Stress v Resilience

Resilience is the ability to adapt to significant adversity and trauma, to recover quickly, to bounce back. Resilient individuals may have an acute stress reaction after going through a traumatic incident. They may go into a tail-spin and suffer temporary symptoms such as sleeplessness, shock, anxiety, disbelief, and depression. But it is temporary and within a month they get back to normal. It may not be exactly the same state as before. It may be what’s referred to as a “new normal”, which is a little higher or lower than the old emotional state, but it is a state of homeostasis and the individual will be fully functioning.

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Don't count the white figures

Don't count the white figures. Describe what you see?

Saturday, 30 November 2013

Losing my Grip

John Jiao Wang
Carl Jung believes that F and T contradict one another, and operate independently.

I for one believe that is bullshit.

For one thing, Carl Jung is known to be (and states himself) detached from his own emotions, and highly logical. I propose that his assumption that F and T operate independently may have been greatly biased by the nature of his own mind.


I think it might be consecutive. Emotion leads, then thinking, then emotion, but not both at the same time ??? Not sure though. When I have "lost my grip" or in the grip of emotions, my thinking goes asunder. Tongue-tied again.

Is Intuition Always Right?

Is Intuition Always Right?

The answer to this question is yes and no. Your purest intuitions are always right but those tinged by your own thoughts and emotions may only be partially correct or even completely wrong. With practice, you can learn to assess your intuitive experiences and identify when they are more likely to be right.

Writer type PNIT

Writer type PNIT: Introvert 67% Intuitive 83% Thinker 58% Perception 96%

These are my scores

as assessed using the Paragon Inventory

Friday, 22 November 2013


Although many people view being introverted or extraverted as a question with only two possible answers, most contemporary trait theories measure levels of extraversion-introversion as part of a single, continuous dimension of personality, with some scores near one end, and others near the half-way mark,[10] see the Big Five personality traits. Ambiversion is falling more or less directly in the middle.[4][11] An ambivert is moderately comfortable with groups and social interaction, but also relishes time alone, away from a crowd.

Sunday, 17 November 2013

The Obvious

What is obvious to me might not be obvious to anyone else. The obvious is literally that which stands in one's way, in front of or over against oneself. One has to begin by recognizing that it exists for oneself.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Groupthink and Doublethink

Groupthink is a psychological phenomenon that occurs within a group of people, in which the desire for harmony or conformity in the group results in an incorrect or deviant decision-making outcome. Group members try to minimize conflict and reach a consensus decision without critical evaluation of alternative ideas or viewpoints, and by isolating themselves from outside influences.
Loyalty to the group requires individuals to avoid raising controversial issues or alternative solutions, and there is loss of individual creativity, uniqueness and independent thinking. The dysfunctional group dynamics of the "ingroup" produces an "illusion of invulnerability" (an inflated certainty that the right decision has been made). Thus the "ingroup" significantly overrates their own abilities in decision-making, and significantly underrates the abilities of their opponents (the "outgroup").

Doublethink is the act of ordinary people simultaneously accepting two mutually contradictory beliefs as correct, often in distinct social contexts.[1] Doublethink is related to, but differs from, hypocrisy and neutrality. Somewhat related but almost the opposite is cognitive dissonance, where contradictory beliefs cause conflict in one's mind. Doublethink is notable due to a lack of cognitive dissonance — thus the person is completely unaware of any conflict or contradiction.
George Orwell coined the word doublethink in his dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949); doublethink is part of newspeak. In the novel, its origin within the typical citizen is unclear; while it could be partly a product of Big Brother's formal brainwashing programs,[2] the novel explicitly shows people learning Doublethink and newspeak due to peer pressure and a desire to "fit in", or gain status within the Party — to be seen as a loyal Party Member. In the novel, while to even recognize, much less mention any contradiction within the context of the Party line was akin to blasphemy and subject to possible disciplinary action. More certain was the instant social disapproval of fellow Party Members.

Friday, 1 November 2013

Ring them Changes (People Never Change)

If someone utters "people never change" ?

People change all the time. But somehow they stay the same.

My impression is (1) the underlying nature of the person remains the same in the long term (2) the masquerade adopted remains the same in the medium term. So in all practical purposes in interpersonal relations the other person does not change. A change to the act is possible by means of affection, intimidation and other emotional effects. Trauma blasts away the mask.

(1) Jungian
(2) Millon (Freudian)

After trauma, people often feel they are a different person. The event(s) has stripped away their dignity (more likely their survival mask) and revealed their true selves. Unfortunately, he is a stranger. More importantly, the mask was adopted by the pressures of the world is (dys-) functional in the real existence to obtain income.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Beware of the Northmen (Barbarians)

The first duty of the government is “that of protecting the society from the violence and invasion of other independent societies … by means of [the] military

Read more:
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Paragon Learning Style Inventory (PLSI)

Saturday, 26 October 2013

INtuition & Tuition

the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning.

intuition (n.) Look up intuition at
mid-15c., from Late Latin intuitionem (nominative intuitio) "a looking at, consideration," noun of action from past participle stem of Latin intueri "look at, consider," from in- "at, on" (see in- (2)) + tueri "to look at, watch over" (see tuition).
intuit (v.) Look up intuit at
1776, "to tutor," from Latin intuit-, past participle stem of intueri (see intuition). Meaning "to perceive directly without reasoning" is from 1840, in this sense perhaps a back-formation from intuition. Related: Intuited; intuiting.
intuitive (adj.) Look up intuitive at
1640s, from Middle French intuitif or directly from Medieval Latin intuitivus, from intuit-, past participle stem of intueri "look at, consider" (see intuition). Related: Intuitively; intuitiveness.

teaching or instruction, especially of individual pupils or small groups.

tuition (n.) Look up tuition at
mid-15c., "protection, care, custody," from Anglo-French tuycioun (late 13c.), from Old French tuicion "guardianship," from Latin tuitionem (nominative tuitio) "a looking after, defense, guardianship," from tuitus, past participle of tueri "to look after" (see tutor). Meaning "action or business of teaching pupils" is recorded from 1580s. The meaning "money paid for instruction" (1828) is probably short for tuition fees, in which tuition refers to the act of teaching and instruction.

Types of Existence

Personal existence, human existence, and cosmological existence? It is apt to confuse the question does God Exist? (Different types of existence is a relatively new thought to me.) I think I had always thought in terms of human existence before.

This alters to does God Exist, Exist does God to is God = Existence.

Emotion to replace Feeling (Perseus System MBTI)

Feeling is the nominalization of the verb to feel. The word was first used in the English language to describe the physical sensation of touch through either experience or perception. The word is also used to describe experiences, other than the physical sensation of touch, such as "a feeling of warmth".

In psychology, the word is usually reserved for the conscious subjective experience of emotion.

Thursday, 24 October 2013

MBTI Heads

What personality type are you?

Modus vivendi

Modus vivendi is a Latin phrase signifying an agreement between those whose opinions differ, such that they agree to disagree.
Modus means mode, way. Vivendi means of living. Together, way of living, implies an accommodation between disputing parties to allow life to go on. It usually describes informal and temporary arrangements in political affairs. For example, where two sides reach a modus vivendi regarding disputed territories, despite political, historical or cultural incompatibilities, an accommodation of their respective differences is established for the sake of contingency. This sense of the term has been used as a keystone in the political philosophy of John Gray.

Playing Cards

The four suits now used in most of the world — spades, hearts, diamonds, and clubs — originated in France in about 1480. The trèfle (club) was probably derived from the acorn and the pique (spade) from the leaf of the German suits. The names "pique" and "spade", however, may have derived from the sword of the Italian suits.[20] In England, the French suits were eventually used, although the earliest decks had the Italian suits.[citation needed]
Also in the 15th century, Europeans changed the court cards to represent European royalty and attendants, originally "king", "chevalier" (knight), and "knave". The original meaning of knave was male child (cf German Knabe), so in this context the character could represent the "prince", son to the King and Queen; the meaning servant developed later.[21][22] In a German pack from the 1440s, Queens replace Kings in two of the suits as the highest card. Decks of 56 cards containing in each suit a King, Queen, Knight, and Valet (from the French tarot court) were common.

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Quarter Days (England)

The English quarter days (also observed in Wales and the Channel Islands) are:
Lady Day (25 March)
Midsummer Day (24 June)
Michaelmas (29 September)
Christmas (25 December)

Lady Day was also the first day of the year in British dominions (excluding Scotland) until 1752 (when it was harmonised with the Scottish practice of 1 January being New Year's Day). The British tax year still starts on 'Old' Lady Day (6 April under the Gregorian calendar corresponded to 25 March under the Julian calendar). The dates of the Quarter Days observed in northern England until the 18th century were the same as those in Scotland.

The cross-quarter days are four holidays falling in between the quarter days: Candlemas (2 February), May Day (1 May), Lammas (1 August), and All Hallows (1 November). The Scottish term days, which fulfil a similar role as days on which rents are paid, correspond more nearly to the cross-quarter days than to the English quarter days.

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Black Dog

The bad ISTJ are known as BLACK DOG. they cause a very deep depression (oppression) amongst their victims.

Sunday, 22 September 2013


Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi describes people who are internally driven, and as such may exhibit a sense of purpose and curiosity, as autotelic. This determination is an exclusive difference from being externally driven, where things such as comfort, money, power, or fame are the motivating force.

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Niccolo Machiavelli (quote)

Niccolo Machiavelli

"It is necessary to be a fox to discover snares and a lion to terrify wolves. Those who rely simply on the lion do not understand."

Explorers = Perceivers + Intuition = Abstract

Sense = Realism
Intuition = Abstract

Perceiving = Exploring

Alternative descriptions which may be helpful.

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Logic & Experience

In 1921 Albert Einstein won the Nobel Prize for Physics. In 1923 he gave a speech in celebration of Poincare at Oxford.

The question he addressed was "How shall we conceive the relation between empirical data and scientific theories?".

He praised Euclid, Kepler and Galileo and then said:

" Pure logical thinking can give us no knowledge whatsoever of the world of experience; all knowledge about reality begins with experience and terminates in it.
Conclusions obtained by purely rational processes are, so far as reality is concerned, entirely empty. It was because he [Galileo] recognised this, and especially because he impressed it upon the scientific world that Galileo became the father of modern physics and in fact of the whole of modern natural science ".

Friday, 9 August 2013

Seize the Day

Sieze the Day by Saul Bellow

page 69 pbk

Money making is aggression "I'm going to make a killing"

Croos ref:

Sadistic Assertive type, Active.

Sunday, 7 July 2013


Robert C. Solomon places contempt on the same continuum as resentment and anger, and he argues that the differences between the three is that resentment is directed toward a higher status individual; anger is directed toward an equal status individual; and contempt is directed toward a lower status individual. (wiki)

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

M for Mother M for eMotion

Cognitive theories
With the two-factor theory now incorporating cognition, several theories began to argue that cognitive activity in the form of judgments, evaluations, or thoughts was entirely necessary for an emotion to occur. One of the main proponents of this view was Richard Lazarus who argued that emotions must have some cognitive intentionality. The cognitive activity involved in the interpretation of an emotional context may be conscious or unconscious and may or may not take the form of conceptual processing.
Lazarus' theory is very influential; emotion is a disturbance that occurs in the following order:
Cognitive appraisal—The individual assesses the event cognitively, which cues the emotion.
Physiological changes—The cognitive reaction starts biological changes such as increased heart rate or pituitary adrenal response.
Action—The individual feels the emotion and chooses how to react.
For example: Jenny sees a snake.
Jenny cognitively assesses the snake in her presence. Cognition allows her to understand it as a danger.
Her brain activates Adrenaline gland which pumps Adrenaline through her blood stream resulting in increased heartbeat.
Jenny screams and runs away.
Lazarus stressed that the quality and intensity of emotions are controlled through cognitive processes. These processes underline coping strategies that form the emotional reaction by altering the relationship between the person and the environment.

Emotion v Thinking (MBTI)

PS: I have just decided that the polar opposites of Feeling and Thinking is misworded. I prefer Emotion and Thinking and the Perseus System will adopt my new terminology. Feeling is too equated with the sense of touch.

My Paragon MBTI score

Introvert 66% Intuitive 83% Thinker 58% Perception 96%

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Planet Waves

Hermes.......... Mercury
Aphrodite....... Venus
Gaia........... Terran
Ares.............. Mars

Zeus.......... Jupiter
Kronos......... Saturn
Uranus......... Caelus
Poseidon........ Neptune

Uranus is the Latinized form of Ouranos (Οὐρανός), the Greek word for sky.

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Paragon Learning Style Inventory

Paragon Learning Style Inventory

Sunday, 31 March 2013

Terran Federation

The Kommissar indicated that the incident of rebellion was less than one in 100,000 and that many of these were snuffed out in youth. Despite all these efforts, or perhaps because of them, the Federation was never able to quite stamp out resistance.

Saturday, 30 March 2013

Celtic Festivals

Celtic Festivals

The Celtic year was divided into two halves, the dark and the light. Samhain was the beginning of the dark half, with its counterpart, Beltane beginning the light half. Between these two 'doors' or portals fell Imbolc, on February 1, and Lughnasadh or Lammas, celebrated on August 1, quartering the Celtic year. These quarters were again divided by the solstices and equinoxes, which were known as the four Albans.

Refer to:

Thursday, 28 March 2013

MBTI dimension translator

In dealing with people with differing traits, it helps to determine how best to communicate with them. It's best to "talk their language"

MBTI Relationship Matrix

The MBTI is a powerful way to discover one's personality preferences. But it's more interesting to see how two personalities come together. Instead of displaying a huge table of all possible combinations, I'll list all the different type dynamics according to the differences in a particular type.

MBTI and sexuality

Sexually, the INTP usually approaches intimacy with enthusiasm and excitement. Some INTPs play down entirely the need for sexual relations in their lives, but most use their rich imaginations and child-like enthusiasm to make the most of the moment. The INTP will usually be experiencing the moment with vivid intensity inside their own minds, although this may or may not be apparent to their partner.

Sexually, The ENFP is creative, perfectionistic, playful and affectionate. Their rich fantasy world makes them fun and creative lovers, who usually have new ideas up their sleeves. They whole-heartedly embrace the opportunity for closeness with their mates, believing sexual intimacy to be a positive, fun way to express how much you love each other.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Gender Roles (20th century)

Take the Bem Sex-Role Inventory
You can take the Bem Sex-Role Inventory online - with instant scoring (write down your numbers when the pop-up results screen comes up, it doesn't save them for you). This was one of the most widely used gender scales (and may still be). A 25-year re-evaluation suggested it needs to be revised - not sure if it was or not - seemed pretty sex-role traditional to me.

Here is a brief summary on interpreting your results (more is available at their website):
Find out your sex type by consulting the following chart.
Masculinity greater than 4.9 and Femininity greater than 4.9 = Androgynous
Masculinity greater than 4.9 and Femininity less than 4.9 = Male sex-typed
Masculinity less than 4.9 and Femininity greater than 4.9 = Female sex-typed
Masculinity less than 4.9 and Femininity less than 4.9 - Undifferentiated
The publisher of The Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI) describes the purpose of the test in this way:
"The Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI) provides independent assessments of masculinity and femininity in terms of the respondent’s self-reported possession of socially desirable, stereotypically masculine and feminine personality characteristics. This can also be seen as a measurement of the extent to which respondents spontaneously sort self-relevant information into distinct masculine and feminine categories. The self administering 60-item questionnaire measures masculinity, femininity, androgyny, and undifferentiated, using the Masculinity and Femininity scales." -
Main web page visited:

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Common Careers for Personality Types

Common Careers for Personality Types

Research has shown that many of the different Personality Types tend to have distinct preferences in their choice of careers. We have incorporated observations of each type's character traits which affect career choice along with some suggestions for possible directions. We have also included lists of actual careers which the various types have chosen in their lives.

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Social Rank & Appropriate Bird as Delineated in The Boke of St. Albans

Social Rank & Appropriate Bird as Delineated in The Boke of St. Albans

Emperor: Golden Eagle, Vulture, & Merlin
King: Gyrfalcon (male & female)
Prince: Female Peregrine
Duke: Rock Falcon (subspecies of the Peregrine)
Earl: Peregrine
Baron: Male peregrine
Knight: Saker or sacre
Squire: Lanner Falcon
Lady: Female Merlin
Yeoman: Goshawk or Hobby
Priest: Female Sparrowhawk
Holywater clerk: Male Sparrowhawk
Knaves, Servants, Children: Old World Kestrel

Tuesday, 15 January 2013


The tendency of viewing human behaviour in terms of the behaviour of animals, analogous to anthropomorphism, which views animal behaviour in human terms



Pedigree Chum

Bullies smell of pedigree chum. (Pinched from another web page.)


Sunday, 6 January 2013

Friday, 4 January 2013



First use: 16th century
Origin: from Latin sērōtinus late, from sērus late; applied to the bats because they fly late in the evening

Of Cats and Bats ISFP.

When Cats can fly, they are Bats.