Thursday, 9 June 2011


blackguard, n. and adj.

Pronunciation: /ˈblægəd/

Forms: (Written 15–17 as two words, 16–17 with hyphen, 17–18 as one word.)(Show Less)

Etymology: lit. Black Guard, concerning the original application of which there is some doubt. It is possible that senses A. 1, A. 2 began independently of each other; or the one may have originated in a play upon the other, black being taken with a different sense; it would be difficult to assign priority to either. It is even possible that there may have been a guard of soldiers at Westminster called the Black Guard, or that, as some suggest, the attendants or torch-bearers at a funeral, or the link-boys of the streets, may have had this name.(Show Less)

The lowest menials of a royal or noble household, who had charge of pots and pans and other kitchen utensils, and rode in the wagons conveying these during journeys from one residence to another; the scullions and kitchen-knaves. Obs.

The vagabond, loafing, or criminal class of a community; the blackguardry. Obs.

Such who are commonly known by the Name of the Black-guard, who too commonly lived upon Pilfering Sugars and Tobacco's on the Keys, and afterwards became Pick-pockets and House-breakers.

Of or pertaining to the dregs of the community; of low, worthless character; brutally vicious or scurrilous; blackguardly.


blag [blæg] Slang


a robbery, esp with violence

vb blags, blagging, blagged (tr)

1. to obtain by wheedling or cadging she blagged free tickets from her mate

2. to snatch (wages, someone's handbag, etc.); steal

3. to rob (esp a bank or post office)

[of unknown origin]

blagger n